Part 6

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Loki POV

"The tea was a nice touch, Amora." I commented casually, watching her from across her table as she dabbled with her vials. "Trying out your potion on Dreyna and I."

"Well, your seduction skills were a little rusty, I just moved it along," she responded, smirking. "You were never going to bed her with the rate you were going."

"You realize she's been mortally injured, don't you?"

"She was obviously healed enough!" She rolled her eyes, busying herself. "I killed two birds with one stone --- that's what the humans say, isn't it? I got to see my potion worked and you managed to fuck your childhood crush."

I frowned, rapping my fingers along her table. It hadn't taken me but a few moments after waking to know what Amora had done to that "healing" tea. I was immediately displeased, but this was the first moment I'd had to bring it up.

Yes, I'd been planning on seducing Dreyna, it was part of my plan after all. However, I hadn't wanted to do it when she was still bruised and battered! I'd wanted it to be of her own volition!

My time table was absolutely destroyed.

Amora moved about the room, looking busy with creating another one of her spells. I caught her arm just as she swept by me, tightening my grip.

"Don't you ever," I said softly, catching her eyes, "use another spell on me."

"Or you'll what? Turn me into a toad?" She rolled her eyes, straining back from me with a scowl.

"No," I jerked on her, bringing her to my side, knowing my eyes flared bright blue. "I'll turn you into a pretty ice sculpture they can display at my coronation. Don't test me, Amora."

Her eyes narrowed, but she didn't say another word as she wrenched away, stalking off to her fireplace.

I didn't appreciate being a test subject.

"So what's your grand plan now?" She asked me over her shoulder, her tone still sullen. "Are you going to court her like she's important to you?"

"She is important," I snapped, irritated with her childish attitude. "And if you stop meddling everything will work out how it's meant too."

"Me? Meddle?" She scoffed, fidgeting a moment before tipping a vial over, letting the rancid liquid pour into her cauldron; she was apparently making another dose of that wonderful desire potion, considering she now knew it worked. "Never."

Sarcasm didn't look good on her.

"How is Asgard?" I asked, gesturing at the large crystal orb on the pedastal; humans tended to have them as a joke, but made of the correct minerals, they were actually mirrors into other world's.

How else would Amora stay up to date?

"Still looking for your keeper, of course. Thor and his plain human have returned to Midgard, but Odin has enlisted Sif into helping the Warriors Three. They're looking everywhere for her."

"Do you think they suspect her involvement with me?"

"Probably. If your friendship was so well known, I figure they think she's wherever you are. She did free you from prison after all, they might think she saw an opportunity or set it up herself so you could be free."

Quite possible.

I underestimated Amora, I hadn't even thought that far ahead. It was very possible they would consider that, although it wasn't the case.

At this rate, one of those fools might creep their way into this dimension, and I didn't want them finding Amoras mansion in the void.

No, Dreyna would just have to return to Asgard very soon.

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