Chapter 10

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"If you'd all at a seat then I'll explain what has happened and why. First off, Ryoma- don't blame your brother for what he did. Your parents and I thought it best if something were to happen to you. All he was doing was following his orders." Ryuzaki said.

"Excuse me Ryuzaki-sama but, what is your relation with them?" Kawamura asked as he gestured to the brothers.

"I've known their father for many years. When Ryoga was born, I was called in to help deal with his powers. Ryoma though, no one expected him to be born with an M-Gene, even more so with two. He's the only known case of it in the world and that's why he needed to hide it all this time."

"Wouldn't it have been easier to get one of those nullifiers?" Kaidou asked.

"And if you said he was born with two, how come the doctors didn't detect anything?" Marui added.

"We thought about a nullifier but it would draw unwanted attention. And as for the doctors- Rinko and Nanjiro denied wanted any tests done on him. Instead they brought him to a Cardinal facility and let them run a few extra on him and that's how they found out."

"Wait, but if he was tested on at Cardinal then why didn't we know about it?" Inui asked. "We get sent all the files of everyone that's been in our bases if they have something to do with a mission."

"That information would've compromised your mission. Do you really think if you went up to him and said the reason he has trouble controlling his power is because he was born with two M-Genes? He would've looked at you like you were crazy."

"But Ryoga-san knew..." Oishi mumbled.

"And he was ordered to deny all accusations and run if anything like that ever came up." Ryuzaki shrugged. "It was need to know information and none of you needed to know." She looked over to Echizen, who was glaring at her and sighed. "Look I know you're angry but it was for the best. If anyone else found out that you were born with two genes then you would've been targeted by more than just Chargarde. Not to mention you would probably flaunt it around and get into trouble." Echizen rolled his eyes.

"This is all too confusing." Kikumaru whined. "If Ochibi didn't know and we didn't know and Ryoga-san didn't tell him- I don't understand."

"Come to think of it the only reason we knew where he was, was because of other people there..." Niou said.

"Are you saying Chargarde Agents infiltrated our base?" Sanada asked.

"That's what it sounds like." Renji said. "Were we able to get them on surveillance?"

"Chargarde's number three and four; Dio Rintaro and Handa Noriko." Echizen spoke. "Able to manipulate things with music and alter people's memories."

"Wait wait wait, you were alone with Chargarde's three and four?" Momo accused. "Did it occur to you that you could've been kidnapped? What were you doing in that part of the base anyways?"

"Did you not hear me say they were able to manipulate things with music?" Echizen bit. "I couldn't exactly do anything since I was being held there against my will."

"What did they do?" Fuji asked.

"The girl brought my memories back. That's it."

"They knew." Ryuzaki said in an annoyed tone. "I guess they're not as stupid as they seem; chasing you just because you're the second in a family to be born with the gene."

"What do you mean just?"

"Really, it's almost a common thing in twins for both to be born with the gene. The only reason you two are so special in that sense is because you're five years apart." She waved her hand. "But enough about that. If you have questions you can ask later; Ryoma, how about a demonstration of your new found power?"

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