Chapter 12

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The ride in the helicopter was silent for the most part. Almost everyone had passed out from what had happened in the past week. Despite the fact that they had been in a, what seemed to be secure location for a few days, everyone had still kept their guard up. Especially considering two of Chargarde's top agents had been able to infiltrate it practically undetected.

They were now headed to Cardinal's Headquarters, the command center for everything they had been fighting for.

Ryoga had been staring out the window in a daze. He wanted to talk to Ryuzaki about having the two of them added to Seigaku's Special Forces but he also had to talk to his brother about it first and he feared that he would have no time when they arrived because no doubt they would want to perform some matter of tests on the two of them.

He weighed his options of bring it up before they take down Chargarde or after; before would let it get mulled over for some time, which could essentially go to the fact of the other commanders having a greater say in it. After had the same idea but everyone would be able to see how they handle themselves in battle and could make or break the deal. Not to mention other commanders might want them for their own squads.

Ryoga ruffled his hair and tried to push the thoughts out. He hoped at the very least that they would get some down time to do whatever they needed before they begun prepping from their attack, because that would give him enough time to run the idea by his brother and decide if he wanted to bring it up to Ryuzaki. After a few more minutes, he fell asleep.

The group was awakened as they touched down on the helipad. Ryoga was a bit surprised to see his brother be the first one to actually get out.

Compared to the previous base, and really any other place they've been, this place was huge; maybe like an old convention center. A giant dome sat in the center surrounded by several other smaller buildings; trucks carrying loads of soldiers were driving all over with platoons running after them, other soldiers were sparring- mainly those with and without the gene against each other.

A Soldier came up to meet them. "Seigaku Battalion- follow me and we'll get you debriefed and accommodated for your stay."

"Finally. I've been waiting to hear those words for a while." Momo laughed.

"We should be so lucky to actually be able to relax for a little bit." Fuji said.

"Yes, yes everyone's happy about it." Ryuzaki commented as she rolled her eyes. "You'll be in good hands." She turned to the brothers. "You two are coming with me. There's someone who'd like to see you."

"Of course we don't get to relax." Echizen mumbled.

"You'll get to rest soon enough. This person's been waiting to see you for a very long time."

"In all fairness, a lot of people have wanted to see us, for a long time." Ryoga answered. "I think they can wait a bit longer so we can at least have a bit of rest before we start this whole thing."

"Nonsense. The meeting will take no more than five minutes." Ryuzaki folded her arms and started walking away, gesturing for the brothers to follow, who did but not without sighing in frustration. "After it's over, you two will be debriefed and get cleaned up then have the rest of the day to do whatever you want, within reason. Tomorrow is when the meeting about Chargarde is going to be held with the other battalion leaders. You two will be attending."

"Fine let's just get this over with then." Echizen huffed.


Though the two groups had gone in the same building, Ryuzaki had broken off and gone to a small room with the two brothers while the others went towards the medical wing to get checked on.

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