Chapter 14

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It was just after two when everyone seemed to be congregating towards the mess hall. As Tezuka and the brothers, along with the other captains entered, they noticed an exceedingly large amount of people most likely from all the other branches. It was sort of strange to see so many people around their general age gathered in a single place at once. The group that had just entered started to dissipate and everyone headed for the table their squad had claimed.

"You all took your time I see." Fuji voiced with a smirk. "What did the verdict turn out to be?"

"We have a week to train with the other squads and come up with battle plans." Tezuka answered. "We were able to somewhat discuss the training regimen but a few people were- uncooperative."

The group automatically looked to Echizen.

"What did the kid do this time?" Momo asked.

"He refuses to work alongside Atobe-san." Ryoga answered. "You know the captain of the Hyoutei squad; says the monkey smell will wash off on him. Honestly he's just pouting because he finally found someone who's more arrogant than he his."

"I'm not pouting." Echizen shot out. "Why should I have to listen to someone who talks like he owns literally everything around him? He acts like a child with his Ore-sama this and Ore-sama that, thinking that he's so important. I swear he's like the reincarnated Narcisi."

"See? Pouting." Echizen rolled his eyes and turned away from the group.

"Mou Ochibi you can't do that. Nanako-san wouldn't like it." Kikumaru said.

"Have you met Nanako?" Ryoga asked.

"Yep! After everyone went off on their own, I was left to wander around and I ended up doing laundry all day with Nanako-san and Sakuno-chan."


"She's Ryuzaki-sama's granddaughter. She's pretty cute. Ochibi let me set you guys up!"

"Kikumaru-san, his love life is the least of our problems right now." Ryoga sweat dropped. "What have the rest of you been up to?" He was mainly looking at Kawamura who looked a bit beat up.

"I've been out on the training grounds." Kawamura answered. "Since I was beating all of the people here, they decided to bring people from other squads for us to spar. It was Ishida Tetsu, his older brother Ishida Gin, Muhiro Kabaji if I remember right. They're all really good sparring partners. I couldn't find an easy way to beat them."

"So you did beat all of them then."

"Well no, I was caught in a deadlock with all of them and the onlookers had to tell us to stop. We planned on being out there again later to see if we could gain ground on each other or not. What about you Fuji?"

"I was in a conference room with Shinji-kun from Fudomine. We were trying to figure out what the best course of attack would be but every plan we thought of kind of turned into a tangent about complete nonsense."

"Well I was in the gardens they have here." Momo quickly interjected. "There was also this guy from Hyoutei, I think his name was Choutaro or something. Get this though, he can make light. He's basically a giant flashlight. Can you believe it?"

"That's not a very common power." Inui said. "If you're able to create a plan of attack between the two of you, it would strengthen our prowess greatly."

"Is that it?" Kikumaru asked. "Aren't you going to tell everyone what you did all day?"

Inui's glasses gleamed but it was Oishi that answered. "We were both in the labs. Inui thought it would be a good idea to test out his juices on the scientists and the medical lab was called in because they all thought they had been poisoned."

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