POEMS: A cup of tea

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Good evening, folks! How about some steaming cup of tea laden with ginger and cardamom? You wouldn't say no, right? So, c'mon, let's enjoy a poem on the good old tea.

A cup of strong and sugary milk tea

Is the best refreshment when on duty.

Loaded with cardamom and ginger,

The delicious taste would linger.

The aroma of a steaming cup of tea

Is enough to pump instant energy.

Still better when it's homemade,

The flavour of which cannot be remade.

Healthy, tempting, and addictive,

It's chai which keeps you active.

Pairs best with books and rain,

Sends energetic sparks to brain.

Go, grab a cup right now.

Slowly relish it and fall in love.

-Kavya Janani. U

P.S: Chai means tea in Hindi language. I felt it was relevant to that line.

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