Chapter 3

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(Author-chan: My drawing :3)

You woke up and looked around "Was....that all a dream?" You got out of bed and went to the kitchen when you passed the living room to go to the kitchen you saw someone on the couch. "Oh crap...." you whispered. You went up to the couch slowly, you looked over the couch and saw BORIS?! And Bendy sleeping on the floor. "Why the fuck are they here?!" You thought to yourself. " You shook the sleeping wolf "Wake up" you said. Boris opened his eyes got up with yawn. "Hey (Y/N) good morning." He said rubbing his eyes. "Oh god that wasn't a dream." You thought.

(Author-chan: they're in their human form incase you're wondering)

You went up to the sleeping demon and shook him a bit "Wake up Bendy." You said. He groaned and turned over still sleeping. You sighed "Yea he's a heavy sleeper." Boris said. "Damn it....guess there's isn't any other choice." You walked to his side and kicked him. You didn't kicked him hard but hard enough to wake him up. Bendy bounced up from the floor "What the hell was the for?!" He said holding his side where you kicked him.

Than he looked at you and said "Oh hey (Y/N)" Bendy said completely ignoring that you kicked him. You sighed "Now that you two are awake." You sighed again....."WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!" You yelled. "And how the hell did you got here?"

Boris and Bendy looked at each other than back at you with a nervous smile. "Hehe well um....Joey doesn't let us outside the studio. He always kept us in that old,cold,lonely studio. So when you came last night we thought we met someone other than each other y'know a friend. So after you left we decided to follow your car and we ended up here. We just wanted to see you again." Boris said with a smile.

You sighed not knowing what to say or do. "What if Joey finds out?...What will he do to me? Oh crap what if he's looking for you right now?" You looked at both of them worried. "Uuuhhh crap we haven't thought of that yet." Bendy said looking down scratching the back of his head. You groans "Just great" you said sarcastically. Bendy and Boris looked down in guilt "We're's just that we don't wanna go back it's cold and boring also lonely there...but if you want we can leave." You looked at them with a pity look.

"No it's ok you can stay for awhile." You said with a sigh. Their eye sparkled "Really?!" They said with a cheesy grin. You nodded "YAY!!" They jumped up in joy. You giggled to see your favorite characters be glad their with you. Though you were a little worried that Joey will catch you and you'll be in big trouble but you just wanted Bendy and Boris to enjoy themselves for awhile.

~Moments later~

As the day went by you,Bendy, and Boris just watched movies, ate popcorn, and ate snacks. It was getting late and Boris decided to go to sleep so he went up to the surprising spare room you had. So you and Bendy were still watching a whole marathon of all kinds of movies. Until a scary movie came up you groaned as you remember how much you hate scary movies yea, you're in the supernatural but it still scared you. You were about to turn it off but than you saw Bendy really interested in the movies so you just decided to leave it.

During the movie you tried not jump at the jump scares or squeal or scream. You held on to Bendy's arm the entire time. He looked at you "Hey (Y/N) are you ok?" You nodded nervously "Y-yea just sc-" than you got cut of by a jump scare that came out of no where in the movie. You squealed and jumps on Bendy knocking both of you off the couch. You noticed that you were on top of Bendy and your cheeks light up a little "O-oh crap sorry Bendy." He giggled "It's ok but are you ok? Hehe you got scared didn't you?"  You blushed a bit more "What?! No I just got startled." Bendy laughed "Isn't the same thing?"

"Shut up" you groans. You got off him and helped him up. "Hehe thanks." Bendy smiled. "So wanna continue watching the movies?" You asked. He nodded "Sure"

~Few Hours later~

It was the end of the movie marathon and you noticed that Bendy fell asleep and he was in his cartoon form. You smiled noticing how cute he looks when he sleeps. He was actually way tinier than his human form. You can actually carry him. You picked up the sleeping demon and carried him to the room that Boris was in. But than you noticed that it would be wired if Boris and Bendy slept on the same bed since there's only one. And also Bendy wouldn't like to sleep on the floor. You sighed realizing there wasn't any other choice. You carried the tiny demon to your room and laid him down on your bed.

You laid next to him and hugged him. You smiled he was so huggable and small and adorable. You closed your eyes and fell asleep.

Human Bendy x Reader Where stories live. Discover now