Chapter 7

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(Author-chan: well I hope I don't disappear after this chapter..)

~That night~

(Bendy's P.O.V)
*In their human forms*

After the show we decided to go back to (Y/N)'s house. We got to her house and knocked on the door. The door opened and there was (Y/N) with a smile "Hey guys glad you're black" "H-Hey (Y/N).." I said blushing knowing that I confessed my feeling to her before the show. She looked at with a blush and Boris grind "Well I'm pretty tried I'm gonna go to sleep" Boris said with fake yawn then he walked in and went to his room. I groaned a bit knowing that, that was his excuse for leaving me alone with (Y/N).
"Alright goodnight Boris" (Y/N) said "Yea goodnight." I said and walked in the house.

(Y/N) closed the door then looked at me, I blushed. "I don't know what to do...this is my first time actually liking someone and being in a relationship...*groans* if only I watched those romance shows with Boris then I'll know what to do...I wish I can ask him now but it's to late!" I thought to myself. My head was filling up with thought and I grew more concerned but then all my thoughts just drifted away as I felt (Y/N)'s lips against mine. I blushed then closed my eye, wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her closer.

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, her lips are so soft and this felt so good, my heart melted but then she pulled back and smiled "I love you Bendy I've always had" I blushed "Wow you're so amazing you did so much for me I don't know what to say..I know you're the only person I've meet besides Boris but you're the most beautiful and sweetest girl I've meet" My face was covered with a gray blush. She looked at me with her eyes sparkling making my heart skip a beat. "W-Wow no one has ever said that to me before.." I giggled "Well it's the truth"

Her smile grew wider and then kissed me again and I kissed back. Then I pulled back and I yawned "I'm kinda tired...that performance earlier tired me out.." I said rubbing my eyes. (Y/N) grabbed my hand "Oh ok let's go to my room." She said walking to her room and I followed. We got to her room and I was the first one who got on the bed since I'm tired. She laid down next to me and hugged me, I hugged back and rest head on her chest which is really~ comfy~. I purred and wagged my tail. She looked at me "aaawwww~ You're like a cat~" I blushed "N-No I'm not-" I got cut off my (Y/N) petting my head. I purred louder and wagged my tail. She giggled "You're so adorable" I smiled "Not as adorable as you~" She blushed "Hehe goodnight (Y/N)" I said and kissed her cheek. She smiled "Goodnight Bendy" Then well fell asleep.

Human Bendy x Reader Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora