18 [that's a croissant]

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DAHLIA fell.

This wasn't the first time it happened.

She was sleeping on a sofa in Bobbi's flat, and clearly, she rolled off again.

"Jesus, fuck!" Dahlia yelled as she rolled around on the floor, clutching her foot.

"Woah, what happened here?" Cole said as he walked into the kitchen with two bags.

"Dahlia fell. Again," Bobbi said as she hobbled into the kitchen, "is that bacon?"

"And coffee," Cole said, "and some sort of exotic french pastry."

As Dahlia stood up and shook out her foot, she heard Bobbi say, "that's a croissant, you imbecile," and walked over to hoke through the bags.

"Well, I'll take my coffee to go," Bobbi said, poking at her piece of bacon, "my mom should be here any minute now to take me to the Physio."

"So he can poke your leg again?" Dahlia asked with a mouth full of croissant.

"Haha," Bobbi mocked a laugh as the door knocked, "well, I'll see you later. No sex in my flat please!"

Cole spat up his coffee while Dahlia chocked on her croissant. Bobbi laughed manically as she left the flat.

"You good?" Cole asked as Dahlia coughed up the last of her breakfast.

"Yeah, yeah," Dahlia gasped, catching her breathe, "rude bitch."

Cole stifled a laugh as he took another sip of his coffee, and breathed deeply and he set it down.

"What's up buttercup?" Dahlia tapped him with her foot, and he smiled down at his coffee.

"I love you," Cole said calmly, while Dahlia was anything but calm as she froze up.

"Now I've spent all night talking to KJ, so you're going to shut up and listen," Cole said, and all Dahlia could do was nod.

"I remember the day I knew I was in love with you. We were about 11."

"You're so slow!"

"I'm not slow- you're just unusually fast."

It was a Saturday, and we were riding our bikes all along the roads and through the parks.

"Cole! Cole come on! I'll wait up ahead!"

"Dahli- wait!"

"What is it?"

"Don't leave me. I don't want you to get- I mean I don't want to be alone."


What I really wanted to say, was that I didn't want you to be hurt.

"Cole! Watch the bend! Cole-"

And then you looked back on your bike, just to make sure I was alright. And your wheel skidded and you fell.


You had a huge scrap down your knees, and there were tears in your eyes, I had never admired you as much as I had in that moment.

You had so much resilience and you were- are- so strong.

"I'm okay Cole, I'm okay."

"Lia- Jesus Christ."

"I'm fine! Just help me up."

Your parents weren't at home that night. You were sleeping over at my place. So my mom fixed you up, and you made her promise not to tell your mom.

You knew how to talk to people. They couldn't help but love you. I couldn't help but love you.

You may of only lived three doors down but it seemed like half the world away. That night, we lay together on the roof of my house, talking about our hopes, our dreams, all of them.

And I fell more and more in love with you.

"Promise me something Cole."


"Promise that we'll never split apart. And I don't mean distance. We can't go a day without talking. And we can't fight. That's a big no."


"And we'll love each other forever."

"Forever is a very long time Dahlia."

"Does it look like I care? Forever... forever will never be enough. At least not for us."

Dahlia stood. It was like a bomb had gone off. She knew that day. She remembered it. She loved it too.

"And I love you," Cole said, "and I don't care if you hate me. I'd rather have you hate me than not know the truth."

"I don't hate you. I could never hate you," Dahlia scoffed, "and... I love you too."

I think the day I knew, we were about 15.

"Cole, I suck at this.

"You haven't even given it a try."

You were perfect at drama, and I hated it.
Just like I hated art, and music. And every other subject.

"I can't do this, I can't do any of this."

"Well, if you think like that."

"Shut up."

I began to cry, and you were there straight away, concern laced in your features.

"Hey, hey, Lia. It's gonna be okay. Everyone fits somewhere. And you don't need to fit into school. Just sit beside me, cause we fit together Lia. You and me."

"I remember that day," Cole said in a haze of memories, before snapping out of it and looking to Dahlia, "do you really feel that way?"

"I do," Dahlia said, "I've felt this way for a long time."

Cole didn't say anything else as he slammed up from where he was and walked over to Dahlia, slamming his lips onto hers and kissing her passionately.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Dahlia Spencer."


rip me

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