chapter seven

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lamelo's house. monday. two days after admitting his feelings.

"bro, why didn't you just kiss her?"

lonzo and liangelo were giving a hard time on lamelo for not kissing her.

he thinks he didn't have to. he admitted his feelings to her in person, anyone else would have said it over a text message.

that's not personal enough. he would rather embarrass himself in person and get rejected, than say his feelings for her over a phone.

he's sincere about that, and taylor could tell the way she looked into his eyes when he told her.

and after when she left him on the porch, they both had the widest smiles on their faces on both sides of the door.

"i didn't kiss her because we said all that needed to be said. we admitted our feelings in person," he started off,  "and besides, even if i did want to, she already left to go inside her house after she told me she liked me back and hugged me." he explained, sighing at the end.

don't get him wrong, he would totally kiss her if he got the chance to. it's just he believes that they're still getting to know each other. they have only known each other for one month.

he believes they are moving kind of too fast. they have known each other for a month and already have admitted their feelings for each other.
he wants to know her more. he doesn't know all that much about her. he knows her birthday, that she plays basketball and soccer, she's going to go to uconn in two years, he knows her favourite foods and drinks, what she doesn't like food wise. but that's it. he just knows the basic facts about her.

he wants to know her passions, why she loves to do what does.

"okay bro. have you talked to her at all after that? like, did you say what your label is? are you friends, more than friends?" zo asked.

"um..." lamelo started off, scratching the back of his neck, "we actually haven't talked at all since that night." he said sheepishly.

"hold up." liagelo put his hand up " you admitted your feelings for each other and you didn't ask her what the hell you guys are?" gelo questioned.

"uh yeah, i guess"

"well what are you doing? text her and ask her if she wants to date or not!"

"oh yeah. hold on."

he went upstairs and grabbed his phone, went on messages and texted taylor.

lamelo: hey, can we talk?

taylor responded five minutes after he sent the text out.

taylor: yeah sure. what about?

lamelo: about what happened two days ago.

taylor: um, can we talk about it in person sometime?

i would rather it be more personal than over text

lamelo: yeah sure, when are you free?

taylor: how does this weekend sound? i have practice after school all week.

even though her season ended at school, her team winning the whole thing. that doesn't mean her aau season doesn't start right after it. sh has to go at least 45 minutes away from her house to be on a better team than the one 10 minutes away.

lamelo: yeah, do you want to go somewheres or at one of our houses?

taylor: you can come to my house.

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