Coronation (Amora x Loki)

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Amora looked at herself in the long mirror on the blank wall, before sighing a shaky breath. Servants were currently working on the final details of her dress, for her coronation as Queen. It was floor length of course, with gold lace weaved at the bottom, and it was made out of elaborately soft silk. It hugged Amora's womanly curves, didn't show too much cleavage and she felt virtually comfortable in it.

In her hair was a golden and emerald colored band, another simple object for she told the others she wanted nothing but simple, for Amora didn't want anything to be over the top. Amora told her servants that she wanted something comfortable, for she knew that she needed to wear it through-out the after-party, and the Enchantress didn't want to stand around in some dreadfully heavy thing.

"We're done miss." A servant to the right of the Enchantress said, putting away her threads and scissors.

Amora nodded gently, and whispered a small "Thank you very much." Before looking at herself in the mirror. She touched her dress with gentle fingers, the soft fabric relaxing her only a little bit as the servants began gesturing the soon-to-be Queen towards the main hall.

This is it, Amora whispered in her brain, her eyes now looking up from the floor as the young woman stepped into the room, with poise and graceful strides. She could hear a few murmurs of how such an evil and cruel person would doom the kingdom, but ignored them and only went on forward.

After the long ceremony, and saying of the vows to be a great ruler, it was time for the after party, and for Amora to meet the council of Asgard for approval. She stood straighter as the council stepped forward and greeted you.

"Ah, hello Queen Amora." One greeted, "I am Loki."

"Hello." You smiled gently at him, Loki smiling along in front of her. She couldn't brush the feeling of admiration coming off of him.

"Now, my dearest Lady," He continued on, "You do realize now that you are a Queen with no king? That you could be overthrown."

The new Queen could feel Loki's sly grin as she replied gently, "I am well aware of such. We plan on getting onto that subject as soon as possible, for I believe I do not need a husband. I am plenty capable of leading."

"That is a spectacular thing to consider," He smiled at you.

Amora looked up at Loki and snorted. "Yes my Lord. I understand you have a way with words."

He turned red and quickly spun around. "That is all for tonight, my Queen. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening."

Amora waved gently as he walked away to go mingle with the other guests. On his way, he dropped a handkerchief. Amora quickly grabbed it and ran after him but alas, he had already disappeared into the crowd.

"I think," The new Queen looked around the room, noticing a few drunkards already getting down to stupidity level, "that it is time for me to dismiss myself from the party."

Giggling gently, a servant left her side for a brief moment before announcing to everyone that the Queen would be taking a leave for the night, and that she hoped everyone would enjoy themselves for as long as the party may keep going. Nearly impatient, she came back towards the Enchantress and helped her to her room.

Amora walked in silence for a few moments, before he leaned down and gripped the servants hand, saying gently, "I'm going to visit a guest. Go on without me."

The servant nodded and left Amora alone to the dark halls of the castle.

Amora practically ran to where the counsel was staying, only stopping when she almost skidded into the person she was looking for.

Loki's one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora