Hydra? (Steve x Natasha)

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Hey so. If you haven't seen the new Captain America comics I don't suggest you read this. (Issue 1 and 2)

It had been five months since I had returned to Hydra. Working as a double agent in the Avengers had been a huge pain. I mean, I was even hit by the cosmic cube a couple of weeks before revealing myself.

I walked down to the briefing room and received my new assignment. "You think you can take this one?" The agent in front of me asked. I looked down to the file and instantly froze up.

Kill Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)

I skimmed to the end to who gave me my orders.

Queen Hydra (Marlyn Röus)

"Shit...." I mumbled and closed the file. The agent gave me a concerned look and reached for the folder, but I yanked it back. "I'll do it."

I hurried out of the room before he could protest.


"Target has left the building." I turned off my earpiece and quickly got into position. Once she came out the door I would grab her by surprise and stab her. Easy and quick. I won't have to look at her face.

"Dammit Nat hurry up...." I shifted to one foot and leaned against the wall.

"Why?" I jumped back. "So you can kill me?" The red head I've come to know stood in front of me with a harsh look. Her gun was pointed to my chest and she had two fingers on her earpiece.

I could probably out run her.... but she would shoot.

"Long time no see N-" I was slammed against the wall and had the gun pressed against the bottom on my chin.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow your head off Rogers. Or is your name even Rogers?! Honestly I don't know anymore!"

I almost flinched. Almost. She seemed genuinely upset that I lied about the whole Hydra thing. I thought she of all people would understand betrayal.

"Come on Nat...." I sighed. Natasha cocked the gun and pressed it harder against my skin. "Don't call me that..." she whispered. I could have sworn I heard a crack in her voice, but I didn't push it.

"Why do you even care?" I mused and slapped the gun off my chin. "It's not like you particularly liked me or anything." Natasha went silent and dropped the gun.

"You don't know that....." she finally said.

Huh...? Why do I feel so weird? My heart rate just spiked.

"Nat......" I tried to grab her arm but she pulled away. "Do you have any idea what you put us through?! The team almost fell apart! Nobody trusts each other anymore... I quit because of you... I..."

I hugged her before she reacted and whispered in her ear. "I'm so sorry Nat.... I didn't mean to become close to any of you. Especially you... I didn't want to become close to you but... I couldn't help it."

"So come back." Natasha whispered back and wrapped her arms around me. "I miss you... and so does everyone else. Even if they are super pissed off at you."

I closed my eyes and hugged her tighter, afraid to let go.

"I'm sorry Natasha." Her eyes widened in horror as I sunk a knife into her stomach. "But Hydra can't have you living any longer. Even if we were close..."

Natasha's arms dropped to her side and she went limp against me. I hugged her one last time and set her in front of the door. Her face had tears on them, as did mine. I had to do this... even if it destroyed a piece of me inside.

So as you may know, it has been revealed that Captain America was affected by that cosmic energy blast and was led to believe that he was Hydra. And the Red Skull is using a infinity stone or whatever to keep it that way. I'm going to write his reaction to Natasha's death after he was freed from control so don't worry. This isn't cannon to the comic series but I thought it would be fun to write. Also, NatsyRogers  REVENGE FOR THE LITTLE SURPRISE YOU LEFT ME THIS MORNING YOU LITTLE CHAMELEON! (Autocorrect.... you know what? Not even gonna change it. Courtesy of John.) Also, please don't kill me marvel-chick  or are you gracideaflower  ? I'm confused.

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