Simulations (Keith X Lance)

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Lance groaned and threw his bayard to the side dramatically. "I don't want to do this stupid crap anymoooore! Can't we take a break?"

Keith glared at him and slashed through another hologram bot, before rolling to Lance and destroying another one.

"Lance you know we can't afford to let our guard down and be lazy... you know that. And watch yourself! They may be holograms, but they still hurt. I didn't start dating you to have you be reckless and kill yourself."

The blue Paladin groaned and turned his bayard on, shooting a couple of bots down. "Yeah yeah, but we've been training for so long my brain hurts!"

"At least we now know you have one!"

"Oh ha ha... Mullet baby."

Lance continued to stare and pout at Keith, hoping to get some reaction from his boyfriend. But the red paladin was too focused on his daily training.

The brown haired paladin chucked his bayard by Keith's head, making him yelp in surprise.

"Pay attention to meeeeee!"

No response. He was obviously going to train until he dropped, unless he had a good distraction....

Lance scowled and stood up, brushing himself off. "Fine then... I'll get you to pay attention." He walked up to Keith and hugged him from behind, pressing himself against his boyfriend's back.

"Lance. What are you doing?"

He sounded annoyed, but Lance could feel his heartbeat quickening. Lance grinned and snaked his hands up Keith's shirt, tracing around his abdomen.

"Now will you give me attention?~" Lance purred in the boy's ear.

That seemed to have caught Keith's attention. He turned around in Lance's arms and raised an eyebrow. "And if I don't?"

Lance blinked slowly and bit his lip. He didn't think Keith would actually respond to that...

"W-Well I guess I'll punish you then!"

To his surprise, Lance could have sworn Keith almost shivered under his arms.


Lance eyebrows burrowed and he was about to say it was a joke, but Keith had already pressed his lips against Lance's neck. He slowly sucked and bit his skin, working his way down to his chest.

"Ah- Keith what are you!" Lance arched his back as Keith bit hard on his neck, giving off a slight moan.

His eyes squinted tightly as he sinked into the touch of Keith's lips on his skin. Even when I'm joking I get all of the love.

"O-Okay okay I get it!" Lance panted. "Don't tease me!"

Keith smirked and slid his shirt and pants off, tossing them to the side. "Fine fine!" He laid down and spread his arms out a mischievous smile crawled onto his face. "I am tuna fish notan."

"Lance?" Keith asked after a second of silence.

"One second." Lance frowned, trying to pull his arms out of his shirt. All he managed to do was wedge his elbows even tighter into place. He slumped forwards, lifting his head towards Keith. "I'm stuck."

"Stuck?" Keith asked incredulously.

"It's a new shirt, okay?" Lance said.

Keith snorted.

"Hey, you don't get a drop-dead-sexy fit without making a few sacrifices." Lance huffed. "And one of those, apparently, is that it's hard to take off."

Keith laughed, and from the shuffling and squeaks on the floor Lance could guess he'd gone and sat up properly, maybe even leaned forwards. As much as he loved to hear Keith laugh, and he could listen to that sound for ages, Lance was kinda eager to get on with sexing up the guy he'd been low-key pining after since they met at the Garrison. "Little help?" he asked, waving his arms as much as he could, which wasn't much.

"Aww why? You're kinda cute like this~" Keith tugged Lance's pants down and giggled. Besides, you don't really need your arms right now.

Lance sighed and fell back, bracing himself for whatever his boyfriend may do.

"Hmmm, what to do with you." Keith mused, pausing his hand's descent and shifting around behind Lance. "I could fuck you hard and rough until you can't do anything but scream my name." he practically purred. "I could tease you until you're begging me to let you come, writhing under me all hot and desperate." his finger moved back up Lance's spine, drawing a low moan from Lance's throat as Keith leaned up against him.

"Or." Keith breathed, almost close enough for Lance to feel the hot air on his skin. "I could go slow and-"

Lance couldn't help it, he snorted. Keith pulled away quickly, and smacked him on the back of the head. "I'm trying to be sexy, you dweeb."

"C'mon, Keith." Lance chuckled, lifting his head as much as the shirt around it would allow. "Vanilla went out the window, like, five minutes ago."

Keith sighed and sat back, a low growl rumbling from his throat. "Fine..."

"Okay, sit down." he said, and Lance slowly lowered himself. His breaths came short and shallow, anticipation making his heart race even faster, and then Keith grabbed him by the hip and pulled him down hard.

Lance cried out as Keith entered him. Keith's other hand landed on his hip, and Lance let himself be guided into a brutally fast pace. He was close, so close, and Keith had to be close too because he was biting harder, littering Lance's skin with marks as he slid up into him with the same raw power he displayed fighting the training dummies. "Lance." he panted, grip tightening to the point his nails almost broke skin. "I'm-" he moaned, and bit down hard on Lance's chest as he came. One of his hands left Lance's hip, and two quick jerks were all it took to have him coming.

Both of the boys fell back. They laid there for a minute, catching their breaths, and then Keith sat up and scooted over to Lance. "Here, lemme help you out of this." he murmured, pulling the shirt down until Lance's elbows were free. After that it was a piece of cake, and when Lance opened his eyes the first thing he saw was Keith smiling at him, soft and fond and heart-wrenchingly perfect. "You alright?" he asked, one hand drifting over the marks on Lance's torso as the other threw his shirt off into the room somewhere.

"Yeah.... uh.... was that good enough training for you? I mean- aren't you a virgin? Well- not after that but whatever."

Keith smacked him upside the head again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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