Chapter 1: Meeting Her

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I stepped into school gripping my black backpack strap. As all the bitches and asshats may tell you I'm 'goth'. Only I'm not all doomsday, and obsessed with bones and demons, I Just liked the color black. Today I was wearing a black shirt with lacy long sleeves, spiked bracelets, black Jeans, black combat boots, and I had on black eyeshadow with light pink lip gloss on. I had a few friends but not much, I was constantly being picked on but I tried not to let it bother me.

Just as I had finished that thought someone shoved me from behind.  My face banged into a locker and I cried out in pain. I touched my lip and I had a spilt lip. I looked up to see Archer, Hans, Pitch, Sam, and Hiccup and Kristoff hanging back with a look of panic and uncertainty. "Well, if it isn't the schools freak!"

I glared at Archer and his friends. "What do you want, Archer?" He smiled and answered me with a kick to the face. I saw my blood drip onto the floor. They started beating me, but through my half slitted eyes I saw Hiccup and Kristoff trying to fight their way towards me, I didn't know if they wanted to help me or get their turn to kick my ass; either way I closed my eyes.


I was walking the halls when I saw the crowd gathered in the middle of the hallway.  I walked up to the crowd and looked over their shoulders and saw my friends. At first I thought Hiccup and Kristoff were fighting with the others then I realized they were trying to help pull out the person they were beating up. I looked into the gaps of their legs and saw Elsa the shy girl who was in most of my classes, she usually sat in the back of the room, keeping to herself. She was always a sweet girl, how could they be beating her up.

I felt my breathing quicken as rage filled my body. I rushed through the crowd of students who, despite looking concerned, didn't do anything to help. I grabbed Archer's collar and pulled him back, I turned him around and punched him in the face. I did the same to Hans, Sam, and Pitch. Kristoff and Hiccup took Archer and the others to the principal's office, they also got the crowd to leave.

I kneeled down next to Elsa, her face had already started to swell, her right eye was black and blue. She had a split lip,  her hair was red from her blood seeping into it from the floor. There were bruises all over her face, I felt my heart tug and I pulled Elsa gently into my arms. I curled around her as if to protect her. "I'm so sorry this happened to you."


I heard a voice whispered in my ear, and I felt someone curled around me, as if to protect me. I forced my eyes open, even though my head throbbed in protest. I felt something soft tickle my nose, then I realized it was white hair. I softly sneezed, and the person's head pulled back. I was able to look at his face, which was filled with concern.

'Wait, I know him,' I thought to myself. He was in my classes, he was always the smart-ass. He spoke his mind, and he was also friends with the guys that beat me up. "Jack, right?" He nodded, my vision blurred a little bit.

"Why did you help me, aren't you friends with Archer and the others?" Jack laughed but it was humorless. "Not anymore, I kicked their ass, Hiccup and Kristoff took them to the principal's office. I hope they get expelled." I laughed and my voice sounded hoarse.

I struggled to sit up and Jack helped me. "I probably look like something from a horror movie, don't I?" "You said it not me ." I turned to look at him, then realized he was trying lighten the mood. I laughed, leaning into him, before my eyes fell shut.

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