Chapter 3: Finding Out the Truth

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I woke up to the sound of knocking. I sat up on the couch. I looked down the hall and noticed Jack's light was off so I got up to answer it. I opened the door and found a girl with golden hair that stopped at the middle of her back. "Hello?"

The girl raised an eyebrow at me, while looking me up and down. "Who the hell are you?" I looked down and realized I was wearing Jack's shirt. "Oh, no, I'm-" The girl cut me off with a wave of her hand, and she started beaming with a smile.  "Finally, Jack has a girlfriend!"

"I'm not-" She didn't even hear me, she was bringing me into a lung crushing hug. "I'm Rapunzel, who are you?" "I'm Elsa Aren, nice to meet you." "Where's Jack?" I pointed done the hall, "In his room your knocking couldn't wake him up."

"Oh, hate to interrupt you guys but can you get him?" "Um, sure." I left her in the l living room and went back to get Jack. I knocked on the door this time before entering. Jack was, surprise surprise, asleep in his bed.

Just like last night he was shirtless, I felt myself blush but I ignored it. I shook Jack's shoulder. Jack jolted awake hitting me with his forehead in the process. "Um... OW!!" I rubbed my forehead while glaring at Jack.

"I'm sorry Elsa, I was a little startled." "No it's cool, just another bruise to add to the collection. Anyway Rapunzel is here to see you. But first put on a shirt." Jack's eyes widened as he looked down and he smiled in embarrassment, I left his room so he could get ready.

I met Rapunzel in the living room. "He's getting dressed, he'll be out in a minute. And Rapunzel?" "Yes?" "I'm not Jack's girlfriend he just saved me from Archer and his gang, I asked him not to take me to the nurse cause I didn't want my 'inccedent' to get back to Child Services."

Rapunzel's eyes widen in shock and I saw the question in her eyes. "Ever since our parents died I've been taking care of my brother Jamie and I don't want the CS  to think I'm unfit to take care of him or they'll take him away. So trust me Jack and I are just friends." There was a creak in the doorway I turned to see Jack with wide eyes.

I saw understanding in his eyes. "That's why you didn't want me to take you to the nurse?" I messed with a lock of my hair and nodded. "Jack knows how it feels to lose his family." I looked at Jack questioningly.

"I lost my mother, father, and sister in a car accident." "Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss." "It was a long time ago I'd rather not talk about it." I nodded and Jack turned to Rapunzel. "So what did you want to talk about."

"Oh, I finished taking those pictures and I wondered which ones we should show in the school news paper." I left them to there talking and went to call Jamie. It rang twice before he picked it up. "Hello?" "Hey, Jamie, how are you?"

"Elsa, where the heck have you been?" "I've been staying at a.....friends house, but don't worry I'll be coming home tonight." "Okay, bye, see you soon." "See you soon Jamie." I hung up and put my cell in my pocket.

I returned to the house to find Jack outside lying in the grass staring up at the clouds. I laid down beside him. "What'cha doing?" "Just remembering my sister, Emma, you would have liked her." "I'm sure I would, tell me about her."

"Well, she was funny, smart, she loved doing anything to help people. She was the light in my darkness, when I was down she would always pick me up." "She's sounds wonderful, I would have loved to meet her." I rested my head against his chest and listened to his breathing. I could have sworn that his heart rate picked up, but my eyes closed before I could tease him about it.

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