Chapter 5: Jack's Admirer

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I stood outside with a bunch of other girls with Hiro 'cheering' me on. It was his fault I was here, sorry I'm site your confused, Hiro convinced me to join the cheer squad. I stretched while listening to the boys on the field having football practice. I started harding cat calls, I turned and saw boys winking at me. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and ignored them.

I went back to stretching doing my best to ignore the stares and whistles. "Elsa?" I whipped around to see Jack staring at me in disbelief. "Your on the cheer squad?" I hooked my thumb in Hiro's direction as he ogled the football players.

"Hiro forced me to join but no matter what I'm sewing a black cheerleader uniform." Jack smiled and a dimple I hadn't noticed before appeared on his cheek. "Just being yourself, good for you." "FROST!" Jack turned to where his coach was calling him from.

"Got to go, Snowflake." He jogged back over to his coach, I blushed at the use of my nickname. Why is he calling me Snowflake? "Elsa!" I turned to look at Rapunzel and Anna.

"Coming!" We ran some practice drills. After a few minutes we took a break, I took a sip from my waterbottle. Movement on the field caught my eye, I saw a blue jersey with Jack's last name in it. "42, HUT!"

Jack got the ball and ran across the field. He dodged the players coming after him. He made it to the other side and scored a touch down. I smiled as I watched him take off his helmet and cheered pumping his first in the air. I laughed at how he was acting like an excited child.


I laughed as the team surrounded me saying I did a good play. I smiled at their praise. Kristoff walked up to me with a smile and I gave him a curious look. "Jack I think you've got an admirer." I snuck a glance at where he was looking and saw Elsa smiling at me, I don't think she knows I'm looking at her.

Elsa had her hair in a ponytail, she was wearing a red tank top and black shorts. I noticed how her eyes sparkled like sapphires. The realization hit me like a punch in the gut: Elsa was beautiful. She was so beautiful it took my breath away. Kristoff's hand on my shoulder startled me, I turned to see him smiling at me.


"You like her don't you? Your little ice princess." I shook my head quickly. "I don't know what your talking about."

"Yeah right, you'll realize it sooner or later. But I suggest it be sooner because the winter formal is coming up in a couple of months." I didn't know what to say so I just kept my mouth shut. Kristoff laughed before walking away. I stood there rooted to the spot, until coach blew his whistle breaking my trance.

"Hit the showers!" I walked back to the locker room to change. I had walked out of the locker room when I felt a shove from behind. I turned with a glare and snarled at the one who shoved me. It was Snotlout, he was part of the football team but he was as stupid as they come.

"What the hell, Snotlout?!" He shoved me again and this time my back hit the wall. "Maybe you should watch where your going, Frost." A growl rumbled in my throat then all of a sudden Snotlout got shoved into the wall. I saw Elsa and Hiccup both looking really angry.

"What is wrong with you?" Hiccup shouted at his cousin while Elsa helped me stand. I think my head hit the wall cause my vision was fuzzy. I nearly fell but Elsa caught me, she pulled my arm over her shoulder to support me. Hiccup punched Snotlout in the face before we left.

Elsa and Hiccup took me to the nurse's office. Elsa helped me sit down, she sat in front of me. When her face swam into focus I let out a sigh. I rubbed my temples to keep the headache from forming. "Thanks guys."

I felt a hand on my cheek and snapped my eyes opened. Elsa was looking at me with worry and I playful swatted her away. "I'm okay, don't worry, I promise I'm fine." Elsa smiled satisfied with my answer. I  looked at her smile and my heart beat faster. Stop that!

After the nurse gave me an ice pack she sent me back to class. I sat him my regular seat next to Elsa and she smiled at me. My heart skipped again and I realized another thing, I'm in love with Elsa. But will she ever feel the same. I turned my attention away from Elsa and back to the teacher.

What am I going to do?

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