Chapter 6: Study Date

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I was woken by my alarm clock. I slapped my hand on the snooze button. I got up and walked into my bathroom. After showering I pulled on a black camisole, leather jacket, jeans, and wedges. I brushed my hair then pulled it into a ponytail.

I put on some light pink lip gloss and sprayed perfume on my neck. I pulled on my snowflake necklace and pulled on my charm bracelet that my mom got me for my 16th birthday. I grabbed my new icy blue messenger bag, that I started using as my backpack. I knocked on Jamie's door telling him I was leaving and to get ready for school. I had stepped out the door when I saw something white flash at the edge of my vision.

I turned and saw Jack leaning against the porch a small smile on his face. "Hey, Jack what are you doing here?" He pushed off the wall and stood beside me. "I thought we could walk to school, what do you say?" I smiled as Jack held out his elbow, I took it and we walked to school.

We walked into school and I slipped my arm out of his to open my locker. His was right next to mine, I grabbed my English book for my next class which had with Jack. I walked into class with him and took our regular seats beside each other. Mr. Sandy came in just as the tardy bell rang, I pulled out a binder and pencil. "Okay, class were going to do something different today now get out a piece of paper and with the person next to you find out as much as you can about the other person."

I ripped out a piece of paper from my black notebook. I wrote me and Jack's names, while he did the same. He started writing what he already knew about me. 1 sibling, favorite color's black, likes sewing, beau-. He suddenly crossed out the last thing he wrote but because he didn't finish the word I had no idea what it was.

"What's your favorite, season?"



"Sewing, Singing, and drawing."

"Okay, your turn." He said after writing down my responses.

"Okay, what's your favorite color and season?"

"Blue and Winter."


"Reading and drawing."

I nodded as I wrote his answers down. But that word he crossed out kept popping into my mind. The bell rang and we handed in our papers. I went to my locker to switch out my books. Then I head to my next class. .

*Time Skip*

School was finally over and I went to my locker to get ready to leave. I had finished putting my stuff in my messenger bag when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Jack, but he wasn't looking me in the eye. "Hi, Jack what can I do for you?" Jack ran a hand through his hair sheepishly.

"Um, it turns out that I'm failing science and I wanted to...." He trailed off then sighed. "Nevermind." He turned to leave but I grabbed his arm and turned him back around. "Jack do you want me to come over and help you study so you could fix your grade?"

Jack looked at the ground and nodded sheepishly. He was adorable when he's acting shy. "I would love to help you Jack. I'll come by tonight, at about 6:00 okay?" Jack gave me a shy smile then walked with me back home, we talked and laughed all the way home.

After getting home I showered then brushed my hair. I went into me closet and pulling out a black t-shirt that seemed a little too tight but didn't really bother me, black leather jacket,  black jeans with rips in the knees, black wedges, and black bracelet with spikes. I kept my hair down then grabbed everything I need to help Jack then walked to his house. When I arrived I knocked on the door, Jack opened it and allowed me inside. "Hey, Jack."

"Hey Elsa." I took off my jacket and put it on the coat rack next to Jack's. I sat with him at the kitchen table. I took out a few books and my notes. "Now let's not waste time and get started."

*Time Skip*

After about 4 hours and Jack could recite some notes without looking did we take a break. Jack went to the kitchen to get a snack and something to drink. I flipped through my science book while waiting for Jack to return. Jack came back with two mountain dews and some burgers from McDonald's. He sat down beside me and his leg brushed my thigh, I pretended not to notice as he opened the McDonald's bag and handed me a cheese burger.

"Sorry about the fast food its all I had that was quick and easy." I smiled at him as I unwrapped the burger. "No it's okay." I told him as I opened my mountain dew. I noticed how close Jack was, he was so close that I could smell his colone.

I turned to look at him, I noticed he had ketchup on his lip. I leaned forward and wiped it off with my thumb. "Sorry, you had a little ketchup on your lip." Jack smiled shyly and ducked his head down. He wouldn't look me in the eye, "Jack what's going on with you?"


I sat down next to Elsa and my leg accidentally brushed her thigh. I pretended I didn't notice. I unwrapped my burger and opened my mountain dew. "Sorry about the fast food its all I had that was quick and easy." "It's okay."

She smiled at me and my heart stuttered again. Stop it! I yelled in my mind. All of a sudden I felt Elsa's thumb against my lip, she had leaned closer and I could smell her perfume. "Sorry, you had some ketchup on your lip."

I smiled shyly and ducked my head staring at the floor not wanting to look up. "Jack what's going on with you? You won't look me in the eye, did I do something?" I jerked my head up and nearly yelled, "no!" Her eyes widened at my abrupt movement then relaxed.

"Then what is it?" I ran my hand through my hair. I wanted to tell her everything, I wanted to tell her how much I loved her, how beautiful she looked tonight, how smart she was. I looked into her crystal blue eyes, I didn't know what I was doing but I  brought my hand up and cupped Elsa's face. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against her's.


I stared confusingly at Jack as he ducked his head. "Jack what's wrong with you? Why won't you look me in the eye? Did I do something wrong?" He jerked his head up and nearly yelled, "no!"

"Then what is it?!" He ran a hand through his hair. I practically saw the wheels clicking in his brain as he thought of what to say. Then he brought his hand up and cupped my face, he leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against mine. I froze with shock and couldn't move.

Jack moved away and stared sadly into my eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. That was inappropriate." He started to move away but I grabbed his arm. "No, Jack you just surprised me."

"I know I still shouldn't have done it even if you don't have the same feelings for me." But Jack I do have the same feelings. "Jack, I love you! " I gently grabbed Jack's shirt and pressed my lips against his. I felt Jack run his hand through my hair.

I pulled away panting for breath and smiled warmly at Jack. He pressed his forehead against mine. "I love you, Elsa." "I love you, too." He hugged me and I rested my head against his shoulder and fell asleep.


I looked at Elsa her face peaceful as she slept. She was just so cute I couldn't help myself I leaned down and kissed her forehead. Elsa stirred a little bit. "Hey, Snowflake?" "Hmm?"

"You need to go home and get some rest." "I don't want to get up." I sighed playfully and asked, "do you want to stay here?" She nodded sleepy and I picked her up and carried her to bed. I pulled the covers over her and started to leave.

"Jack?" I turned and saw Elsa with her eyes half open. "Yes?" "Please, stay with me." "Okay."

I sat on top of the covers and entwined my fingers with hers and wrapped my free arm around her. "Goodnight, Snowflake." I whispered in her ear as I snuggled against her. "Goodnight, Frostbite." I smiled and chuckled at my new nickname before slipping into sleep.

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