Winchesters x salsa dancer! reader pt.2

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I'll finish up the ones with multiple parts first then make new ones I know no ones reading these both the story's and these little bits

Although my heart is falling too I'm in love with your body. And last night you were in my room. And now my bed sheets smell like you.

Had you had made it to the bunker last night with the boys who you already were getting protective of you were in the kitchen making a classic bacon and eggs for breakfast for all three of you. You had spent the night in Sams bed because they had wanted to "set up a room" for you. You may have not liked the sound of it but when a messy haired Sam and Dean sat down at the dinning table you smiled "morning' boys." you said as you layed out the three plates with bacon and eggs and some forks you had given the boys a way bigger portion than yours because well they were bigger,taller,more muscled than you so you gave them both 5 eggs and 4 strips of bacon you got 4 strips and 3 eggs they looked at you "What is this?" Sam asked "Breakfast. Now eat up if you're making me a room or whatever it's probably gonna take awhile. I'm getting groceries later if you need anything specific." You started to eat when you noticed there surprised expressions on their faces "What?" you looked up at them"Nothin' just why are you so comfortable around us I mean just last night you hated us and now you're making us breakfast?" You smiled "Bobby told me to take care of you. So I will do as he wan't as a favor he took care of me as I'm sure he took care of you two." You continued to eat when you looked up again you got asked another question "I think I remember Bobby mentioning you saying something like "You idjits ever meet my daughter giver this." And that's when he handed us the note." You sighed you called Bobby dad and he called you girly,sweetheart, etc. and other disgustingly cute nicknames you smiled at the memories and sighed happy that he never told them your job. It wasn't the easiest to explain. "He told us he never had kids so why did he call you his daughter?" you sighed which seemed to be something you would do a lot now. "He called me his daughter because he took me in when I was 5 my mom and dad died and so he took me in and he always told me stories about his other adopted kids named Sam and Dean Winchester."

Every day discovering something brand new I'm in love with your body

~time skippy-do-~

you were putting on your salsa dress you had found a nice little bar when you were shopping that had tons of salsa music playing and right then and there you wanted to dance but held it back you wrote a little note for the boys so that they would know where you are

"Went to a bar be back soon if I don't come back in 5 hours call me if I don't answer I turned on my GPS track me down." - (Y/N)

you were jamming and dancing with a stranger who was fairly good looking and he knew how to do the salsa apparently and lead while you did your thing good thing you wore spanks under your dress because he lifted your leg a lot which would have revealed your underwear if you hadn't worn them but he knew what he was doing and some one actually tossed a rose at the two of you and you caught it in your mouth when the song finished you both took a ow and started to leave together "So I never got your name?" you started out with "I'm Gabe what about you?"you smiled and said "(Y/N) I had fun Gabe do you think I could get your number and we could possibly hang out later?" he chuckled "sure it's xxx-xxx-xxxx" you put it in your phone and put "Gabe" as his name "I'll text you later" you smiled and walked off leaving him in shock when you got a call from Sam and Dean "What's up?"

AND CLIFFHANGER sorta so how do you guys like this story? Feedback is always appreciated!

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