Gabriel x reader

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no catch just you and Gabe with some 21p 

your last name was actually Believer the amount of times someone sang "Oh miss Believer my pretty sleeper" were to many you got sick of people singing that so you usually used a fake last name like Holmes, Watson, Anderson, and other possibly Sherlock names but this one was special something was off you trusted him enough that he wouldn't sing that song but when you told him he just smiled and said "A pretty last name for a pretty girl. It gives a sense of hope." Now it was your turn to smile you blushed a bit and kissed him on the cheek he turned a bit pink to what he said next surprised you the most "I think I love you..." you started to cry out of happiness because "I think I love you too..." he wiped away the tears on your face and said "Do you mind if i sing to you? You probably heard it before" you nodded "Oh miss Believer  my pretty weeper"you usually hated when someone sung that song but it sounded right when he did it you started to hum along to the song and as he held you close and you two just started to kind of dance but it was the kind of dance that would be at the end of a cheesy high school romantic comedy just holding each other and swaying back and forth you both sang at the same time "Oh miss Believer my pretty weeper"

this is what happens when i'm bored and kinda loopy and sick but i thought it was good alright happy mothers day! bye!

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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