los angeles

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Warning ⚠️: mentions of slurs

Josh's P.O.V.


Yeah I guess you could say that I was the popular kid in my high school in L.A. But when I came out it was different. People looked at me like I was a freak. I was being called a fag a lot. And every day I went to school looking happy on the outside but sad on the inside. I went home every day and cried I hated going to school there. It was even worse since I was on the baseball team. So whenever I went into the locker rooms everyone just sort of left. So I told my mom. She took me out of school there and comforted me. i had felt that it was time for me to tell her that I was gay. When I told her she said," I know." And hugged me. ( go mamma dun ). And then she got the promotion and it all just kind of worked out.

The moving process was so hard for me. I had only moved once and it was only 2 blocks away and that's when I was two. Im 16 and had lived there for 14 years. So that's why it was so hard for me to move. When I took down all my posters from my walls it had looked so different. A plain white colored room, nothing to fill it. I had started to tear up. I had to leave all the memories behind. I hated it.

I had two sisters and a brother but my dad took them for us. ( I know that's not true it's just for the story). I sometimes wonder if they know who we are but I highly doubt that. My dad hates me so that's why I'm not with him. I remember when I was little he used to hit my mom. Like can u just imagine how scary it is to see your mom being hit by your male role model.

Here you go the next chapter

I hope you guys like it

its longer yay

Omg guys I'm almost to 100 reads ahhhh


the lonely boy// joshler (unfinished)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin