• Phillip •

12 2 4

Minor explicit content (sexual scene, second part)

Blankly gazing my eyes at him, I felt envious of his looks.

From where I stood, the only source of light were placed above our heads as I noticed the colour of his eyes were fairly bright, a light shade of brown flickering in the shadows. He seemed no older than a few years, his skin appearing youthful and shaved. With his hair tousled and uncombed, he was devilishly handsome in only a pair of hoodie and shorts.

I honestly became somewhat self-conscious of my body now.

“Phillip Watson, it’s nice to meet you.” I said to him, a smile in return to his comment.

"It's a pleasure, Phillip. I'll be directing you to your cabin."

Opening the wooden door, I couldn’t help but remark on how intimidated I felt in his presence, even with a face like that. Nothing appeared to be threatening nor unusual of his behaviour, but I could only blame it on my upbringing, I’ve become distrustful towards my own sex.

Bizarre but true.

“-You can also see one of the barns from here too and behind that is the woods. Sometimes we do activities in there, consider it a hide and seek thing.” I hadn’t notice that I had zoned out while he was speaking, completely unaware of what was going on.

From staring at him to gazing my eyes around the camp, there wasn’t much to say about it. Simplicity was the main key, each building was positioned in an orderly fashion with no pathway but only fresh, cut grass. It was awfully quiet, an environment that I've never been comfortable with and it didn't help that it was night either. I frankly couldn’t see shit if it wasn't for the lights scattered around the place. From where I stood, I could only see a few of the campers all chatting away, heading to a nearby door.

Without much as a word after his explanation, we walked towards the furthest building to the east. With me dragging my suitcase on mud, it didn’t help that once he opened the door to the cabin, tracks of dirt followed behind us.

"Right now, everyone is in the Mess Hall having dinner. If you like, you can rest or you can drop your bags and I can take you to get some food."

Walking into the room he turns the lights on, only for me to realise how close we both were to each other. I stepped aside, giving us both space as the guy turned around with the same grin that has yet to go.

"Thank you for the offer but I've already eaten." Uttering my words to him, I brought up my suitcase, banging it lightly against the surface to get some of the mud out from the bottom.

I raised my head up after, lazily staring at the room not exactly in shock at the facilities given. It was remarkably big, a decent size for the number of bunk beds that I saw resting besides the wall. The entire material of the building was only wood, bringing out the campy feeling of the place.

Surprisingly, it was also clean.

"Is there anything specific that I need to know. Rules perhaps?" I asked, pulling my suitcase closer to me.

"Actually no, there aren’t many rules that you’ll have to follow. Just no possession of drugs, alcohol, or smokes, and no leaving the campground unless it is an emergency. Well, this isn't exactly a rule, but we do follow a schedule.” As he spoke, I couldn’t help but thank the Lord that he hadn't checked my luggage.

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