• Phillip •

15 2 0


WARNING: Minor explicit content

I don't know who the fuck this is, but don't think for a second that your pointless threats will work on me. Reveal yourself or else I'll be sure to make your time in jail a living nightmare.

I stared at my response, contemplating if I should risk my head on a silver platter or be a man, as my brother Yann prefers to put it. Honestly, as much of a coward as this may seem, it's best not to rely on angering or giving that person something to boast about; especially if they knew now that I was scared for my dear life. So I deleted my text message instead, switching the device off and turning around to apologise to Vicenta. To my surprise, she was nowhere to be seen. Baffled, I decided to head towards the cabin door only to be greeted by darkness as I looked inside.

"Pss, where are you?" I hissed, squinting my eyes in an attempt to see.

"I'm here. Ke-"

I jumped away from the presence of someone sneaking on me. I had not realised my hand was resting on my chest, the rapid sound of my heart beating and the sudden shock probably didn't leave a manly insight of me.

Frankly, I was embarrassed.

"Fuck, don't do that," I told her, my eyes barely making contact due to the sweet smell that overwhelmed my senses.

I heard shuffling sounds before I felt something solid rest on my palm. The moment I looked down at it, I tilted my head slightly, staring at the device for a moment before raising my head up.

"Keep up. Make sure not to shine it on them...To be safe." She said, pulling another out of her pocket.

My eyes continued to look at the object a little longer, playing around with the switch only to point the flashlight at her and ask,

"You've packed anything else in there?"

She shakes her head in response.

"Nah, just this." She tossed a few bottles at me, but I was more surprised as to how she managed to fit all of this in her pocket.

"Make sure you put in enough for it to work. The girls keep their things in their bags beside their bunks." With one last glance at me, she creeps her way to one side of the cabin, approaching one of the girl's bunk bed.

Chuckling, I looked at her while I stood by the door amazed by everything.

"I can't believe I agreed to this." I sighed as I slowly made my way towards the right wing, crouching down to the level of the bed. I could barely see the girls' face due to her dirty blonde hair covering her, but I could not help but laugh a little.

I might find this to be more enjoyable than I had thought.

I grabbed hold of her bag, noticing how glossy the material was in the dim lit room with the moon being the only natural light around. I pulled it towards me, roaming for a shampoo bottle or conditioner to mix the content in while I held onto the flashlight with my mouth instead. I could feel my saliva trickle down my lips and onto the flashlight, but I could not care less, I have never felt so childish and reckless like this in a long time. So while I rest on the floor, leaning against the bed, I smile at this stupidity.

"Hey, I found one." Somewhat muffled but clear, I spoke up much louder than I intended too, forgetting how close I was to the blonde chick that she moaned in response before smacking my chin. She then turned her body around to face the wall, and I could clearly hear Vicenta suppress her giggles, while I sat here in shock. With my back to her, I was grateful that my face was not visible to see my flushed cheeks and I was once again embarrassed but continued with the task at hand.

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