• Phillip •

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I tightly held onto my bag as I slowly made my way towards my first class. From a distance, I heard the bell ring while the other students rushed past me, quickly entering the building with their friends whereas a few said their goodbyes to their loved ones.

As the sun beamed down on me, the summer heat felt soothing after a whole week of rain, and with the warm breeze lightly brushing against my skin, I sighed before stepping into the building myself, feeling the cool air as I opened the door to the main block.

With each step, I felt a heavy burden rest on my shoulders, weighing me down as I continued walking down the hallway. Unaware to me, the presence of a group of students was following from behind, and until I reach the doorknob of my class, one rested their hand on my shoulders.

"Watson." The familiar voice of this individual surprised me as I turned to face her.

A head taller than me, her eyes held no shimmer as I once remember them. Despite being the same age, her physical appearance would place any other male in my year to shame for her height alone. Devoid of all emotions; she stared at me with her light, reddish brown hair, hazel eyes, freckled cheeks, thin lips and masculine physique.

"Nadia?" Surprised to see her of all people, despite her hate towards me, I frowned as I looked at her and her friends.

"Where have you been? Haven't heard from you for over a week and you suddenly strut in like this?" Her deep voices echo in the quiet corridor, her hand not letting my shoulder go.

"I thought you were smarter than that," I told her.

"I am, but it's a pity to see your face now and not the day after your breakup. I should've asked Laura to record that, expose you online."

I heard the girls behind her snicker away, their eyes glaring at me while Nadia continued on speaking.

"I told you it was a bad idea for you both to date, now look at you. Heartbroken by the truth." She chuckled, her grip only tightened as she looks down at me.

As for me, I grimaced at her strength; it's remarkable how she is so strong even though I knew if I were to fight her, I'd still win regardless.

"That's funny; you were all very supportive of the idea of us dating last year." I pointed my finger at the group of girls that stood behind Nadia's back, "And now you're all standing here to insult me?"

"No, we all knew how hopeless Laura was, a fool to think someone like Phillip Watson, son of Donn Guillermo Watson, would ever for a second give a commoner such chance. Your Dad ain't someone who'd accept such a relationship, no matter how hard you try." She smirked, her hand finally letting me go and resting on her hips.

"If it's not the media that would catch a whiff of the businessman son dating a girl from a low-income family, then it was bound to be your own Papi."

I scoffed at her, although she was right, I did not let that show as I told her, "You really are something, no, you all are. To think that she calls you her friends, I can understand how easily it was to manipulate her."

I took a step forward, merely a few inches away from Nadia's lips, my eyes glaring at the woman who stood before me.

"And I am also aware of your thoughts of her as well. Don't think your excuse for using me is going to hide your feelings for your best friend, mon chéri." Taking a step back, I looked at her surprised face and that of her friends before speaking again, "So, do my a favour and fuck off. I don't need you lot or your unconditional affection to tell me shit."

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