• Braden •

27 2 47

It came out of nowhere.

"Get out of the way you pervy little stalker!" Suddenly my head was slammed back into the side of the cabin. My vision flew sideways as I slid to the dirt silently. A little ways away, the bear cabin girl glared at me as she hurriedly slid a black shirt over her head. My sabre fell into the grass and the chameleon boy scoffed, "Figures, you're one of those flag fags, aren't you?

My mind wasn't straight enough for me to dignify that with an answer.

You know how I like to hide out behind the cabins so I can relax and take a load off away from the other people? It was a very idyllic place, surrounded by trees and not visible unless you looked for it. For the first week or so, I was sure that it was my place alone.

But then this couple started getting in my way. I've mentioned them before, remember? They have loud makeout sessions and look like they're ready to commit sin with a capital vampire kink (t-shirts don't hide hickies well -- especially on people with short hair).

 "You've been following us around for weeks, haven't you?" His muddy blue eyes glared down at me as he shoved me back against the cabin wall again. "We see you all the time, lurking around like some pedo -- "

 I would also like to point out that they were both the same age, if not older than me. Someone needed to get his guy a dictionary that wasn't of the urban variety.

 "I didn't -- " I started to choke out, but the guy in the rainbow t-shirt wouldn't have it and pressed his arm down into my neck.

That afternoon, after I had spent a rather pleasant time hanging out with Cashton in the arts hall, I felt the urge to celebrate my normal human interaction feat of the century. For the first time in a long time, my senses took a blissful day off, so I didn't know what I was walking into until I was already in it.

 Their clothes were gone from the waist up when I found them. My music was playing at top volume so I didn't even notice them until the guy, (built like a jock with esteem issues) was throwing me up against the back wall of the cabin.

 "You will stay away from us!" He growled as his forearm dug deeper into my throat. "Or I swear to God, I will fuck you up so bad, you won't remember what you did to us."

Look who's the delusional one now?

 All I could do was take shallow breaths and try not suffocate. His arm disappeared from my throat and my vision danced with silver spots as I collapsed to the ground, gasping for air as a familiar pressure returned to my temples making it hard for me to breathe. I could faintly hear the couple speaking in the background -- I caught the phrases, 'get counselor' from the girl, and 'leave him -- get out of here' from the boy, but I was suddenly too out of it to really notice what they were doing. My hands grasped at my throat as I sucked for air and suddenly found that I couldn't breathe correctly.

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