Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: The second dance

Thoes are the dresses she chose

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Thoes are the dresses she chose.

At 8:30 I left in the dress with a little bit of lacy sleeve and the same shoes and curled my hair in loose curls no make-up I hate it because it makes me look like a clown.

Any who I arrive at the same place and park in the same spot. I get out and a guy in a black and white suit leads me to the same room I was in yesterday. I smile warmly at him and he smiles back while leaving. I enter the room and many girls glare at me while the guys smirk at me.

I smile at the women that smile at me and say a small "Hello." They grin at me after I say that to them every single time.

I see Jack and head over to her she grins widely and runs up to me "Hey Lil! I'm glad your back!" she exclaims

"Yeah Jack I'll be here tomorrow too." I say she freezes and squeals "Please let me do your make-up and hair!" she begs and I frown "Yeah sure just no foundation or blush or contour and all that crap." I say smiling once again.

Her lips go into a thin line and I pat her back. "Hey there's your boyfriend." I say looking towards the door instantly regretting it because next thing I know someone grabs him and starts kissing him.

A rough hand pulls on my arm tugging me towards a corner as the music starts up and people start drinking. I try to scream but a mouth finds mine and I start to thrash. The person identified as a guy pulls my dress up and starts to pull my panties down.

Tears fall down my face and he slaps my face splitting my lip. I kick him in the balls and he falls I take my chance and run out of the room crying.

I bump into someone and I fall on my butt, "I- I'm so sorry." I say tears still falling down my face.

The person helps me up and I thank them while walking away quickly. When I reach the front door they finally yell for me to come back and I notice its a guy's voice so I bolt out of there getting in my truck.

Kings P. O uhh V

As I'm walking a fragile body smacks into me she apologises and I help her up I can't help but look at her beautiful face with tears falling down it.

Her light brown hair curled in soft ringlets, her tan face with no signs of make-up, her deep Forrest green eyes, and her beautiful outfit that makes her legs look longer but yet she looks so breathtakingly beautiful.

It isn't till she reaches the front door do I call for her to come back I now relise this girl is the one in my dream. I stop myself from running after her remembering how I don't want her but how my pack needs her.

Lilly P.O.V

I get home tears clinging to my flushed cheeks and enter the house my mom is gone for her late shift at the hospital, but the lights are on, I enter the living room I see Jack on the couch eating icecream I sigh in relief relaxing.

"Jack?" I ask wiping the tears off my cheeks she looks at me with bloodshot eyes and I sigh. "It hurts Lilly." she says making my eyebrows furrow.

"What hurts Jackie?" she sniffs "He had sex with me and ge marked me... Then him kissing the other girl it hurt me." she explains sobbing.

I sigh and sit with her comforting her for hours while eating ice cream. I hug her and she starts to doze off I lay her down on the couch and get a blanket, covering her with it.

I pick up the spoons and the tub throwing the trash away and doing the dishes. After cleaning all of the dishes I put them on the drying rack to dry. I go back into the living room and turn the TV off and then the lights.

I lock the door and turn the alarm on then I climb the stairs to my room. I reach my room and undress walking to my drawers I get new clothes for after my shower.

I walk to my bathroom in my undergarments, opening the door to my bathroom connected to my room I turn the lights on illuminating the white and gold bathroom, with light.

Turning the water on I strip all the way down, and hop into the shower. I get my hair wet and wash it then move to my body, I shave my gorilla legs and then my armpits and I finish my shower completely by conditioning my hair and rinsing it.

I hop out and shiver when the cold air hits my warm legs and arms. I towl dry my body and then thoroughly dry my hair so It isn't damp in the morning I get dressed in sexy undergarments for under my long dress tomorrow. Then I throw a large T-shirt on I grab my dirty clothes and put them down the chute.

Opening my door I run to my bed ready to be warm again only to trip over my dress thats laid on the floor. I groan holding my stomach and lay there for awhile wondering how I freaking forgot about having my dress on the floor.

I giggle and get up picking the dress up and walk into the bathroom putting the beauty down the chute.

I turn around and run to my bed again not tripping this time. I cheer in victory and get under the warm covers. I sigh in content feeling so warm.....wait why am I warm? I open my eyes and see a body next to mine I almost scream untill I realise it's just Jackie.

"Oh my lord." I sigh and fall asleep.

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