Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Becoming The Head Chef

Lilly's P.O.V

I dance for a few more hours with different people while the King glares at them not taking his eyes off of me.

I smile a big smile seeing Damien walk towards me. He smiles back and leans in for my ear whispering, "May I have this last dance before you leave?" I giggle and whisper back "Yes you may."

Soon we are dancing in smooth steps and swirls. "Hey how bout another show m'lady?" I look in to Damien's eyes and smile he leans closer and we dance in sync. I look at his lips while he looks at mine the room seems to go quiet as he dips me towards the ground and our lips meet, with my leg still out I grab his face enjoying my first kiss with Damien.

I hear a loud growl that startles me and my lips quit moving. Damien smirks at me and someone behind me. "Don't worry Dario she is a real easy one, probably go hopping to you then the rest of the guys here." Damien states harshly while murmurs go about the room.

My eyebrows furrow "What?" I whisper eyes tearing up a little, feeling hurt.

Damien snickers "Just another whore, at another dance, right sweet cheeks?" he asks me my face heats up and my body fills with heat, with rage.

"I will not stand here and tolerate being called a whore, I don't jump guy to guy in fact I have never been in a relationship with someone, and you were my first kiss." I state distastefully.

Everyone starts to murmur loudly and I scoff at Damien and turn around walking towards the exit "Fucking prick." I say loud enough for everyone to hear, many gasp and others just stay quiet and I leave the dumb people, and the dumb dance behind.

As I am driving home I notice a car following me so I backtrack and take many confusing routes before I head home. I park my truck in the garage and lock everything up before I head inside.

When I'm in the house tears start to fall down my face with out my concent "Stupid dance, stupid Damien." I growl out

I throw my keys into the holder and jog up the stairs, I enter my room a lock it. I carefully take my dress off and throw it down the chute. I notice my window is open so I shut it and lock it closing the curtains.

I head to the bathroom and wash my face proceeding to dry it. "Freaking Damien doesn't know $h't about me, and he tells the whole room I am a-." I stop and take calming breaths "Whatever it's not like they will see me again, plus I know its not true...." I sigh and throw an oversized shirt on heading out of the bathroom and in to my black and sea green room.

I sigh feeling hurt and relieved that the dance was no more. Pulling the covers back I hop in the cold bed and shiver in delight.

"Ahh" I sigh out quietly, eyes growing heavy. I hear a click at my window and ignore it going to sleep.


That is when I woke up, it wasn't willingly either. Nooo someone just had to fall On my floor and not just some creep nope it was an arrogant prick.

The arrogant prick with the name Damien, "What the frick!" I yell he freezes from trying to get out of my room by using the window.

He chuckles "Frick, really?" I scoff and grab my phone dialing 911 "Hello 911 whats your emergency?" the man calls and I start talking "Yes my name is Lilly Blaxton, I would like to report a break-in-" the phone is snatched away.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asks harshly I scoff and glare at him "Get out! You have no right to be here after you insulted me, why are you in my room you creep?!" I growl out

Automatically I freeze from the noise escaping, me. 'What the hell, I have never felt so angry or powerful.' I think to myself quietly.

"Look you should just leave and never come back." I grit out still very mad. He shakes his head and scoffs but exits through the window anyways.

I couldn't sleep after that incident, so I made some breakfast and got dressed headed to go cook for the King.

Once I pulled up and hopped out of my truck I started to walk towards the front door. I was about to knock but the door swung open before I could even touch the door.

It was a beautiful woman that looked so happy, I just had to smile and say a great big "Hello!" she smiled even wider if thats even possible.

"Hello I will be showing you to the kitchen and showing you where all the ingredients are." she says formally with a permanate smile in her face.

I nod and she takes off down the hall with me tagging along. Soon I am cooking many things, for I was told to make a feast and I did just that.

Many plates and dishes were set out and I filled them all setting the silverware. I ring a tiny bell, and people start running down the stairs quickly. I smile wiping my face with my arm while people dig into their food moaning and complementing the many flavors. I see the King just now walking down the stairs and the people stiffen.

Instantly they get out of their seats and bow, "My king the food smelt too good and we couldn't help ourselves, we are ready for any punishment sir." my eyebrows furrow but I say nothing and the king clears his throat.

"Up!" he orders loudly and the people rise, going back to their seats. "You may eat without me." he says a little quieter

I look at the plate I set up for him for some reason it is neater than the rest like she put more time into it. The King sets down and takes a bite his eyes shift up towards Lilly and he smiles. Her mouth opens in shock and her eyes widen, "My pack may I present to you The Head Chef!" he says with pride. The pack cheer and Lilly blushes

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