Chapter 8

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Chapter 8- Machine Problems.

Lilly's P.O.V

I wake up on the bloody floor noticing my left eye won't open, and also taking notice that the stupid girl that screeched wasn't there. I huff and pull the stupid syringe out of my leg, "Head chef my ass." I mumble to the floor  while getting up with a limp.

I throw my hat and my apron on the counter and exit the stupid mansion, "I pass out and no one fucking helps me, wonderful mom is so gonna kill me." I groan grabbing my keys out of my back pocket. Unlocking the door to my truck, I slowly climb into the seat I take a few breaths before shoving the key into the ignition.

"Fuck." I groan loudly while trying to get my seatbelt on. I see someone walking towards my truck and I lock the doors not wanting to deal with them. I huff and roll my eyes when a knock at my window interrupts my cursing. I sharply look up glaring with my one eye, I see that is the dude that told me I was the head chef.

"Fuck off, you don't have a head chef anymore, oh and by the way thanks for cleaning me up!" I yell feeling like I'm going to pass out. He chuckles "I know where you live." he says in his deep voice. "I'm not going home so fuck off!" he freezes with furrowed eyebrows he asks "Where are you going?" I smirk "To the hospital dip shit, you didn't help me so go away."

I start my truck and slowly, while wincing I finally get my seatbelt on. I whimper and relax for a short second, taking a deep breath I open my eyes and out the truck in reverse. I crack my window a little and yell "You can make your own food now!" I then proceed to back out and head to the hospital.

Picking up my phone I hit Jack up only for it to go to voicemail 'Can't rely on anyone.' I hiss in my head while smacking the steering wheel. I pull into the emergency side feeling a strong urge to pass out, I walk to the sliding doors like a drunken. The doors open and my vision blurs while my ears ring. 'What is wrong with me?' I question myself.

I go to the front desk and began talking, "I- I need my M." I don't finish my sentence because I loose balance and fall while trying to hold onto the counter. I don't feel a hard smack on my side but instead I feel warm hands holding me. "Lilly are you ok!" the receptionist yells while jumping over the counter. "I'm fine- just n- y mom." I whisper my eyes getting heavy.

"I just h- a scratch." I speak out returning with a small chuckle from the person who caught me, I look up and see a blurry face before my head whips to the side and I black out. My ears pick up my mom yelling orders before my eyes open to see people running around and putting me on a bed. I smile lazily before my head rolls to the side my vision blurring again, "Just a scratch mom." I call out into the oxygen mask.

"Lilly Vauhn Blaxton do not talk just breath!" my mom says sternly I giggle and then look to the ceiling I see the guy that gave me the job. I whine "Mom I don't want him here." my moms eyebrows furrow "Quit talking," she turns her head and says "we need to get this poison out of her system, she will die if we don't get it out soon." I take a deep breath but choke and start coughing some red stuff onto the mask. I start to choke on the liquid but the guy tilts my head to the side while pulling the mask off. My body starts to twitch and spazz while I cough and choke on blood.

My eyes roll to the back of my head and my body shakes viciously I cough harder and a loud scream escapes my lips a pain burning throughout my body. I stop shaking and my body freezes up fear crosses over my whole body. I look up with desperation and pain my chest rises and my back lifts off of the bed then slams back down. The spazzing starts up again and tears silently fall down my face, the screaming becomes more consistent. "wolfsbane and silver." somebody announces.

I start to shake harder, if that is even possible. My body freezes again  and my throat closes up leaving me gasping for air. More blood starts to build up and my vision starts to darken, I shake my head no and tears fall faster. Somehow a scream tears trough me and it is loud enough for them to cover their ears, the scream goes on for what seems like forever. Pain sears throughout my body worse than the last round and I scream again while sobbing.

A mixture of foam and blood trail out of my nose and mouth, my throat starts to close again and my body twists and turns and spazzes. I reach for a hand to hold and I find one, my hand tingles like crazy and I finally welcome the darkness, my body going limp.

I hear beeping and someone talking, I listen closer and hear his voice. "It's been a month she has been recovering so why is the machine still helping her breath?" he asks rudely my mom answers quietly "Because she is all I got and I'm scared that she might be too weak." he huffs and a few minutes or hours later the lights that light my eye lids turn off and so does the breathing machine. The beeping still goes steadily but then flatlines while I'm still breathing I  take a deep breath and wiggle my fingers.

I twitch my nose next and then squeeze my hands into fists, soon a noise escapes me. I clear my throat trying to help the pain, and then I try to open my eyes I fail the first 10 times but then they finally pop open. Looking around I see no one  around and everything is dark, my machine notices that I'm alive. I smile proud of myself for being alive I press the button to call for a nurse, I hear rushing in the hall and see my mom burst through the door.

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