Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: A Simple Kiss

After the pack finish eating I clean the table and then wash all the dishes by hand. When I am almost finished I notice someone sitting at the island.

Raising my head I notice it's that arrogant prick named Damien. Huffing I turn away from him, "Oh come on don't be like that." he says shuffling ftom behind me.

He touches my arm and I growl softly "Don't fricking touch me." I whisper making him chuckle sending shivers down my back.

"Why are you talking to me, you said I was a whore at the stupid dance!" I say raising my voice.

I hear footsteps coming from the other end of the hall, the stairs. I sigh and turn away from Damien going back to the dishes.

"Come on babe, you don't wanna keep my bed warm?" he questions. I can feel his breath on my neck, "Mmmm I could fuck you all night, and I could slap this big ass as I Fuck you doggie style." He groans into my ear grabbing my butt.

I whimper feeling wrong, he was touching me, I was gonna get raped. "Get your filthy hands off of her Damien!" I hear a deep voice growl out.

I look over to the person with pleading eyes to see the king. The king growls loudly causing me to shiver.

Damien chuckles and starts sucking on my neck his hand traveling to my core. A tear falls down my face, "You bastard, only I get to touch her like that!" The king yells

'Please help' I mouth to him more tears falling down my face. He looks a bit hesitant until he hears a ripping sound, my shirt.

My bra covered chest is on full display to the king and I bow my head down sobbing. "Can I fuck her brains out tonight? I'll give her back when I am done." Damien questions.

His hands travel from my sides to my breasts he squeezes slightly, causing a whimper to escape my lips.

His warm body is gone after that and someone else stands behind me, they turn me around and put a shirt over my head I sigh in content. The shirt smelling so good, like fresh rain and cinnamon.

The person lifts my face and wipes my tears with their thumbs. I now notice its the king, "I- You do- don't have to-." he shushes me and puts his hands in my hair running his fingers through it softly.

I look at his lips and I decide to hug him. He lifts me onto the counter and I cling to him like a monkey burying my face into his neck. I breath his sent in and notice he has no shirt on.

"Look at me." he growls softly. I turn my head and lean away from his warmth. He stares at my face and then my lips while I am already staring at his.

With my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms on his shoulders, he leans in. I close my eyes and lean in too, our lips meet creating a shock making him kiss me harder.

He holds onto me like he's gonna loose me and he kisses me with so many emotions. He nips my lip softly making my buds perk up along with goosebumps.

His chest presses against mine and I moan softly. His hands travel up my shirt and under my bra, his hands caress the side of my breasts.

His fingers meet my buds and he swipes his finger over them gently causing my to arch into his hands. I pull away from his lips sucking in some air and while he plays with my buds I start kissing his chest up to his neck.

He presses his lower half into me and I squeeze my legs tighter around his waist, moaning softly when something hard is pressed onto my core.

I grind my hips and moan quietly when the hardness moves on my core. He moves his hips into me and groans softly "please." I beg quietly stuffing my head in between where his neck and shoulder meet.

He grinds deeply into my core making me bite his shoulder to keep from moaning loudly. He starts to grind faster as pants come out of our lips.

"F- faster." I whisper/moan into his ear he grinds faster taking my command to heart. "Ohhh." I moan into his shoulder he groans and keeps grinding I feel something grow in my stomach and I my legs tighter around his waist causing him to moan.

"I- Ohh." he moans and I squeeze my eyes shut face heating up my mouth formed into an o "Fuck." he hisses and then I explode seeing dots.

"Ahh." I moan into his chest burying into him. "I want more contact." he whispers causing me to nod.

He slides his fingers into my pants and under my panties he brushes his fingers through the hair down there. I sigh and his fingers travel to my core.

"I have never been touched like this before." I whisper embarrassed he growls softly and slides his fingers around my wet core.

"So wet." he sighs then his fingers go into me making my back arch and a gasp to escape my lips. "So tight." he growls "Is that good?" I question. "Mmm yes." he groans.

I kiss his chest and my hands roam to his bulge. I stop, feeling nasty, "S- Stop." I say in a steady voice. His fingers stop and he sighs unwrapping my legs from him and scoots me off the counter.

"Come on lets get you showered." he says and carries me up the stairs to a grand door. I gasp and he opens the door shutting it behind him and takes me to another door.

I see a grand bathroom and it has a big tub and shower. "Bath or shower?" he asks I sigh "bath." he walks to the tub and plugs it he puts blue salts in the water and some oils.

"I will help you." he states leaving no room for argument. He takes his shirt off of me and then my pants. He then takes my bra and panties off making me blush.

He lifts me up and sets me in the tub he chuckles when I moan in satisfaction. Grabbing a wash cloth he puts soap on it and starts to wash me starting with my arms.

He washes my back, my neck, my breasts, my stomach, my legs and my core. He drops the rag and moves his fingers over me and my core, making me shutter.

"Can you l put your legs on the sides of the tub?" he questions and I nod my head doing so.

He presses a button and something mechanical happens. While he is rubbing my sensitive friend something pokes my thigh. I go to grab it but his hands stop me he pulls me towards it with my legs still on the sides of the tub.

The thing starts vibrating and soon it presses into my hole. "Nhgg." comes out of my mouth and I blush. The king pulls his pants down and spreads his legs over the sides of the tub his rock hard (0(K sitting in front of my face.

The thing down there starts to move and I moan softly as it penetrates me. The king pulls my head back by my hair and I open my mouth. He shoves my mouth onto his (0(K groaning, I lick him and suck him.

He looks down at me with hooded eyes and his mouth moans my name. The vibrator is going faster picking up its speed causing me to arch and moan.

The king hisses and I suck him harder and faster. "Good girl." he whispers leading my head I whimper when the thing vibrates faster and starts moving at a fast speed. My eyes close and the king stops the vibrator, causing me to whine.

My eyes open and he pulls away from my mouth and joins me in the tub he pushes me back and lifts my legs to the sides again, having a full view of my core.

My back arches out of the water and his face lowers. He licks me teasingly and I whine, he chuckles and starts to feast on me with so much desire.

"Oh my king." I moan quietly. "-Ly are you ok? Lilly? Lilly." someone is calling my name.

"Huh?" I open my eyes and see the king my face heats up and I see that I have his shirt on but the touching never happened.

"Lilly?" he calls again and I jump off the counter "Uh yes uh thank you for helping me." I say getting my keys and my jacket.

"I uh bye. I'll give your shirt b- back tomorrow I'll wash it. I p- promise." I stutter out my face burning hot.

I run out of the door and enter my truck I stick my head out my door and puke. "Fucks sake." I whisper realising I was fantasizing about the king.

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