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Ella sat up from her hunched over position, a smirk growing across her face. The Council didn't want her searching for survivors, but they couldn't punish her if they didn't find out. She could easily take a ship and find the Abregato system where Ahsoka and Plo Koon were. Multiple times, she'd watched Anakin pilot a ship- she could figure it out.

Carefully, Ella crept through the halls trying not to look obvious. She felt through the Force for Anakin, making sure she never ran into him on her way to the hangar.

"Whatcha doin'?" Captain Rex asked from behind her, catching Ella off guard as she slipped around a corner.

"Don't tell Ana- nothing!" Ella shrilled, practically jumping out of her skin. Trying to act normal, she propped herself up against the wall and let her eyes wander around. "Just going on a walk."

"Right," Rex replied skeptically, "have you seen General Skywalker?"

"Nope, not at all!" Ella said shortly. She turned to walk away before he caught on to her.

"Wait!" Rex said, making Ella freeze to a halt nervously. "You're already halfway to the hangar, why don't you just go check there on your walk?"

Sighing in relief as she faced the other way, Ella nodded. "I will definitely do that, Captain." She gave him a thumbs up before hurrying off.

Making sure to check behind her first, Ella crept into the hangar. She giggled softly, shocked that she'd pretty much pulled this off. Relaxing a bit, she strolled through the hangar into a transport ship. That would probably be the least suspicious and easiest to hijack.

She let down the boarding ramp, flinching as it clanked loudly. Ordinarily, she wouldn't look twice at a cargo ship ramp, but today was far from ordinary.

Again, she was shocked and a bit proud as she boarded the ship, knowing she was getting away with this. Out of disbelief she laughed quietly as she opened the door to the cockpit.

Suddenly, the engine roared to life catching Ella off guard. She jumped and gasped, knowing she wasn't the one who'd done that. Partly, terrified as well as nervous, Ella pushed open the door to the cockpit.

R2-D2 let out a whiz in shock as she appeared. "R2, what is the big-" Anakin froze as soon as he laid eyes on Ella. She stood in the doorway with her jaw completely dropped.

Fuck. Ella stared at Anakin. "What is going on?"

"I might ask you the same," he replied shortly.

"I asked first," she countered.

"I was just going out to go check on the rest of the fleet," he replied. She could tell he was lying, but she used it to her advantage - or so she thought.

"Me too!" She said as she took a seat. "You've already turned on the engine, what are you waiting for?"

Dazed by her, Anakin came back to reality. "Right.." he replied suspiciously. He pushed the lever forward causing the ship to rise into the air and slowly float out of the hangar into space.

"R2 request hangar space from star destroyer number-" Ella said, as she'd been trained to do.

"Actually R2, prepare the engines for Hyperspace while I plug in the coordinates," Anakin interrupted her.

"No...!" Ella snapped at him, "Why are we going into hyperspace of you're just-! Oh...wait a minute."

"Thanks R2," Anakin said as if Ella hadn't just realized the plan and everything was normal. She pushed the level forward even more until the lurched into Hyperspace. The cockpit glowed blue.

Promise - Anakin SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now