Meeting the pink princess

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                             Taehyung has finally convinced his eomma and appa to finally go to the game centre alone. He whined that he is now 12 years old and he is a big boy now to go alone. He has to do lots of aegyos and lots of promises like he will do the daily work , would feed his pet and so on.

      Walking to the arena, he walked with his head up his heart swelling with so much pride that he is finally a big boy. Although he wasn't aware of the people who was gushing over an adorable child.

"Oh aren't you so cute ? Don't worry .. I'll protect you cuties from those ugly creatures."

           Tae looked at the source from which the words were coming from. He saw a  guy who could pass as the  pretty princess in the stories he had read . He was mesmerized by the score number going larger and larger.

    As Jin was engrossed in the Mario game, he didn't notice the young boy who was standing right beside him. He felt someone tugging at his jeans.
When he looked at the source , he came forward a cute boy with an unique smile.

' Is it my imagination or does the smile looked like a box?'

"Hyung, can you teach me how to get high scores like this ?",the adorable boy asked.

Jin wanted to but all of a sudden he heard some one calling his name.

"Jin ..The bus is about to move .."

All the while he was playing , he forgot about the bus .

"I am sorry kid..But if we meet again..I'll surely teach you ..", Jin said feeling bad.

"Pinky promise ",Tae asked .

"Pinky promise.. Then I'll call you V for I will be teaching the sweet taste of victory in Mario games "

Jin fled to find his friend.
"I hope we meet again..", Tae spoke .

"Tae are here ..let's go and play."
With that, Tae's mind drifted to the thought having fun with his friend.

At present,

"V ,where are you?"

"I was looking at the fansite where I got remind of the time when I came dancing towards you "

Jin smiled remembering the first time they met although both of them didn't know that it was not the first time.

Meeting for the first timeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن