Meeting the God of destruction

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         Little Tae couldn't stop his tears which started to fall from his eyes as he ran away from the park. He didn't know why his parents where talking to each other in such loud voices. It was even louder than the time when he broke his mother's favourite vase. They didn't even stop when he hugged their legs because his grandma has told him that hug can solve anything . The hug has magic powers like his grandma's lap , his mother's kiss ,his father's smile and grandpa's stories.

     After a while ,he got tired from running and came to an abrupt halt. Then only he realised he can't seems to realise where he is now . The fear and sadness overwhelmed him.All of a sudden a taller boy came out of nowhere and the emotionless face seemed to scare him more .

"What are you doing here  alone ?"

  Tae got more frightened and he started pleading,

"Please don't do anything to me . I pinky  promise you if you don't, I'll give you the strawberry cake grandma baked ."

  Namjoon didn't know what to do to make the child in front of him feel safe. As he stepped forward ,his leg slipped making him fall on the ground which leads to the breaking of a sandcastle.
He slowly gazed upward ,cursing of his destruction ability thinking that he frightened the kid more . To his astonishment,the kid was trying to hold his laughter and eventually failed.

   Realising that he laughed at the scary boy , Tae was frightened . Once his gaze fell on the boy's face ,he was relieved to see a smile forming .

Both of them started laughed and eventually the laughing came to a cease as happy tears started to fall .
Finally feeling comfortable with the older boy ,he told

"I am lost and can't find the place with the fountain and lake beside it with beautiful flowers around ."

Namjoon understood the place the kid was trying to say .

"I can help you ."

He said offering his hand. The kid took hold of his hand and they slowly started walking .

"So ,how did you get lost?"

Tae took a moment before answering,

"Omma and appa were speaking with loud voices which got me scared. The magical hugs also wasn't working. I ran away and got lost ."

  Namjoon understood that the kid's parents were fighting.

"Don't worry. We will find your parents. This time the magical hugs will work . For the time being,hyung will keep you safe ."

Tae felt calm by the elder's words and he felt the same comfort when he was with his father. After a while,he could see his parents who was looking worried .

"Appa ..omma"

Tae shouted and he could see the relief in their eyes as they saw their child . They ran to him and enveloped him in a hug.

"Appa and omma were worried. Please don't run away like that again ."

"I'm sorry .. You were speaking so loudly and I got scared."

"Appa and omma are sorry too .."

Once Tae was in his father's hand who was carrying him ,the tiredness got hold of him and fall asleep.

"Thank you for bringing our child ."

Namjoon was happy to see the family together.

"It's fine. Seeing you all together makes me happy ."

He walked to his destination while Tae went to his .

At present,

"Tae ,why are you invading my bed again?"

Tae just simply snuggled closer to his hyung.

"You remind me of appa a lot and I feel safe near you ."

Namjoon smiled at that .

"Thank you hyung for taking care of us whenever we are lost and guiding us to our destination."

Tae smiled at his hyung .

"No need to..Seeing BTS,our family together is enough to make me happy..."

They met again ,but the memory was forgotten and when they met again,they are creating memories to never forget .

   Whenever Tae feels lost ,he knows that his hyung,the God of destruction will guide him to the right path. He know that his hyung is prone to break many things but he knows that his hyung will never break his family's(BTS) heart.

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