Meeting the kookie bunny

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       It was always fun for little Tae to wander around the shop looking at so many colorful things of various sizes and shapes. It was more fun because these days he is allowed to wander around the food and stationary section by himself . If he sticks to the promises he made,he could gaze till his parents finished the rest of the shopping. If he has been a good boy , he is allowed to buy something he desires.

    As he moves around ,his gaze falls on a cookie packet.

The last cookie packet.

He knows that he has been a good boy, so there is chance of getting the cookie. He rush towards the cookie packet before someone takes . Just as his hands falls on to the packet ,another small chubby hands also falls on the packet.

Before turning towards the owner of the small hands ,he said to himself that he will ask the person nicely and he knows that it won't give upon the cookie no more what happened .

As his gaze fall onto the person, he was shocked . He was greeted by a small cute boy with bunny like teeth. The small boy's eyes were tearing up as he says ,

"Mwe..want  co.Okie.."

And like that he decide to give upon the cookie . If something he likes more than cookie , it is cute animals. The boy in front of him look very much like a bunny.

" can have it .."

"Mwi name es not bunny..It's jung..ko..ok.."

"Cutie kookie.. can have the cookie ..if you play with Tae "

Kookie keeps his finger pointing to his forehead,as if he was about to make a decision.


Tae smiled his boxy smiles before draging kookie to the floor.

After some time ,kook and Tae 's parents were greeted by the adorable sight of both of them sleeping with one of kookies hand on the cookie and one of Tae's hand on his kookie.They carried their kids back to home .

At present,

"Kookie ..I am sorry "

Tae ran off after he disturbed the maknae from his sleep using a ball. The members were laughing at the sight .

"Tae is done for.."

After some time ,

"I think you are wrong ,hobie . Look.."

The members were greeted by the sight of the maknae and Tae sleeping . They could only coo at the adorable sight.

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