Meeting the enemy or your bff

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   Tae was happy that his parents took him to the park to celebrate his birthday. Even though he was having lots of fun with his friends , he was waiting for the cake with strawberry toppings . All of a sudden , a boy came out of nowhere tapping his shoulder . Since he like to make new friends, Tae give him his biggest welcoming smile. The boy smiled back at him and Tae noticed how his eyes are able to smile also ,forming crescents.

"Hi ..I am Jimin.."


"No Jimin...J I M I N ", the boy spelled to Tae .

"I am Taehyung .."

"Taetae..", the boy answered .

"Ok can call me taetae if I can call you chimchim ".

"Deal .." and both shook their hands sealing the deal. Tae's parents cooed at the sight of two small boys making deals.

They started to play with Tae's friends. At that moment , Tae's grandma came with grandpa, bringing along his favourite cake. Tae ran to them to see his cake. He started counting the strawberries.

"One ..two ..three " and felt disappointed only to see 3 strawberries on it. Including his new friend , there were total four persons with which he have to share his strawberry. He already promised his friends that he will give one each.

"Can I have those strawberry, Taetae?"

Tae felt sad at the request made by his new friend .

"But there will be only one left and it's my favourite "

"Ok then , let's play a game . Whoever wins the game ,gets the strawberry."

Even though he was against the game , he decided to play the game so as not to disappoint his new friend.They decide to play hide and seek .

Tae decide to hide and Jimin had to find him. He hides in the perfect position he could find . He waited and waited until he felt that chim failed . When he went out from his hiding place and ran to the counting place announcing him the winner , but only to get sad by the sight of chim eating his strawberry .

When he ran to chim,he ran away and Tae felt his eyes watering up.
"I don't like you ,chim . I , kim Taehyung says that you are my enemy forever."

Before the tears could fall, his aunt came with a special present for him, lots of pastries with strawberry toppings . Just like that , his anger and the thought of chim vanished . He went back to celebrating his birthday and sharing the pastries.

At present,

"Chim chim , you are the bestest friend anyone could get .", Tae said while eating his strawberry. Jimin smiled at his friend and his heart swelled by the happiness of his best friend even if it means not getting a strawberry.

"Jiminie..did you eat ?", Tae looked at his friend aware of how much an angel is his best friend.

"It's ok ,Tae "

" much as I love my strawberry, you are my best friend and you get to eat it also."

With time , a promise was broken and the fate think that the friends are happy that the promise Tae made to himself was broken. Sometimes ,it is not bad to forget a memory if it means to get a friendship like them.

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