His Little Bookworm

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"Lass, we need to have a talk".

My Old Man's voice met my ears as I walked into the clubhouse. The bags in my arms giving away where I had been all afternoon. The closest big bookstore was in Stockton, which coincidently is where I had just blown way past my weekly budget on books.

"I know ye love reading lass, but we're running out of room to put yer books. The dorm already has five bookshelves, we can't fit any more in there".

"I know, I know, but it's what I do and the books are great to have when the club is on lockdown. It gives the women something to do when you guys are out doing your thing". I pouted as I placed the bag of books on the bar.

"Just promise me ye won't go buying anymore okay? If ye do I'm not gonna be verra happy". Chib's said as Juice came in with a huge box in his arms.

"Hey this just came for you" Juice laid the box down beside my bag and then headed back out the door. I could feel Chib's eyes on me as I turned toward him.

"What's in the box lass" his words were stern, on the verge of being pissed.

"I promise these are the last ones!" I pleaded with him as he shot off his seat at the bar and out the door, mumbling Gaelic as he went. I made it to the door just in time to see him putting on his helmet and tearing out of the lot.

I sighed as I made my way back into the clubhouse. Guilt controlling my emotions as I gather my new books and headed to our dorm. When I had first moved in here with Chibs, the walls had been covered with posters of half-naked women, various SAMCRO paraphernalia, and a Scottish flag hung above the bed.Now the left wall was lined with bookshelves, and the naked women were gone. Chibs was right. The room was getting a little cramped with the bookcases, a dresser, our bed, and the futon that was in the corner. I guess it was time for me to go through my books and sell them off. At least I could get some cash off of them, maybe buy Chibs something to make up for me overtaking the space that was rightfully his.

Two hours later, I had about thirty books laying on the bed, their names and authors written down in a notebook. That way I could borrow them from the library from time to time to catch up with my old friends. I heard footsteps coming down the hall, followed by the dorm room opening. Chibs stepped in, a surprised look on his face as he walked over to the bed.

"What are ye doing lass"? He asked as he sat down on the end of the bed not being overtaken by paperbacks.

"You're right babe, all these books are taking up too much space when we have to live in small quarters anyway. I figured I'd go through them, get rid of the ones that aren't my absolute favorites, and maybe use the bookshelves for storage or something."

Chibs took a deep breath before standing up and pulling me to my feet.

"Lass, I'm sorry for snapping on ye earlier. I'm still getting used to livin' with a woman again. I need to take into consideration that this is yer room as well. But, I did get ye a little something while I was out coolin' off".

He reached for a bag I hadn't noticed on the bed.It was from my favorite bookstore in Stockton. Chibs placed the gift in my hands before stepping over to the bookshelf and placing all the books I had on the bed back in their place.

My curiosity getting the best of me, I opened the package. Inside was a white box, with the picture of an e-reader on it.

"Chibs did you really get me one of these"!

"Aye lass," his voice came from right behind me. "Figured if ye were going to have thousands of books, ye may as well keep them all in one place. Besides, It keeps our room from getting smaller ya ken"?

I threw my arms around my Old Man's neck and kissed him deeply. His hands went to my hips as I pulled away.

"Thank you so much baby" I smiled up at him.

"No problem lass, just don't be one clicking me out of money ye hear"?         

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