Christmas Proposal

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      Your POV

"What do you mean we're under a lockdown! It's Christmas Eve for Christ's sake"! (Y/N) huffed into the phone as she paced the room. "I know love, and I'm sorry, but I need ya' to come to the clubhouse. We're gonna' try to do Christmas as best as we can, but with this Mayan feud' goin' on Clay wants everyone under one roof." your old man's voice met your ears as you looked around at the Christmas decorations you had worked so hard on putting up this year. "Jus' pack up the gifts, and what food ye' have done so far. Phil is on the way with the van to help load it all up. A thought crossed your mind at the mention of Phil's name. "Fillip I still need to get gifts for a few people! How can I do that when we have to be in the clubhouse?" You could hear Chib's sigh on the other line. "Love, Gemma is going to go out later once we have a head count to get a few essentials. I'm sure she wouldn't mind ye' tagging along to do a wee bit of shopping". I sighed, knowing it didn't do any good to try and fight it. I was going to spend Christmas in the clubhouse. "Fine, but I'm still going to wear my Mrs. Clause outfit". I hastily told Filip before he could hang up. "Wouldn't dream of any Christmas any other way love. Be careful, and if ye could, pack me a change of clothes or two will ya"?

Chib's POV

"Well, the lass certainly wasn't happy about that" I looked over at Gemma who was admiring a necklace in the case we were standing next too. She looked up and gave me a genuine smile. "I'm sure when everything's said and done she will be forever grateful for your little scheme." I let out a little chuckle, something that was happening more and more as the holiday spirit crept deeper into my bones. "Aye, I hope you're right mum. Now, did you find out what size she wears"?

Your POV

"I can help load this stuff up Phil, you didn't need to bring Bobby, and Opie" Of course the guys wouldn't hear any of it. "It's no problem (Y/N) Clay wants everyone to get to the clubhouse as soon as possible, so the more hands you have the faster we can get there" Opie's voice came from behind a stack of presents. "You better not be trying to peek at those gifts Ope" you scolded as you gathered up the cake you had baked, trying to keep yourself in the Christmas spirit. "Wouldn't dream of it, ma'am"! He laughed as he packed the last of the gifts up in the van. Looking back at our little house I sighed. "Let's get this show on the road then."

Walking through the door of the clubhouse, I hardly recognized it. Christmas lights covered every wall. The bar was covered in fake snow, and drinks and a huge Christmas tree were in the corner of the huge room. Just then Lyla came around the corner followed by Kenny, Ellie, and Piper. "The tree looks a little bare, figured you wouldn't mind decorating another tree this year". She giggled. The kids looked up at you with excitement in their eyes. "Of course I would love to decorate the tree with you guys! Go put the ornaments by the tree and I'll be over in a second okay?" The kids took off like a shot. Lyla stood beside you watching them debate on which color to put on the tree first. "Might as well make the best of the situation" she laughed. You looked around the clubhouse, expecting to see the faces of members from other charters. "Where are the rest of the members, shouldn't they be here by now"? You asked worry in your voice. "Oh the lockdown is just for SAMCRO, the rest of the charter aren't coming down". If looks could kill you would be in deep trouble. "Are you serious"? You asked her, the frustration in your voice was evident. "Hey I don't make the orders, I just follow them." Lyla walked over to the tree where her children were already placing lights on the lower branches. Taking a deep breath you grabbed your phone sending Chibs a quick text. So just SAMCRO on lockdown huh? You pocketed your phone and made your way to the tree.

Three hours later, the clubhouse had been transformed into a winter wonderland. The tree was up, Christmas music was blaring from the surround sound, and food covered the pool table. Chibs still hadn't written you back. He knew you were upset, but it wasn't like him to ignore you. You had changed into your Mrs. Clause outfit shortly after finishing the tree. The red knee length dress, trimmed with white fit like a glove. Your green converse and Santa hat finished the ensemble. Gemma came out of the kitchen with a huge turkey on a platter. Bobby, Opie, Juice, Jax, Clay, Tara, Tig, Phil, Happy, Chucky, and the rest of the charter gathered around the table. "Has anyone seen or heard anything from Chibs?, " you asked, trying to hide the worry in your voice. "Yeah Do said he was on the way about ten minutes ago. Said he was stuck in traffic on Main Street. No sooner than the words were out of his mouth the clubhouse door opened and Chibs walked in, a black trash bag slung over his shoulder. He quickly found you in the sea of bodies and wrapped his arm around your waist. "Sorry love had to make a few stops. I got the gifts for Phil and Happy while I was out. You look gorgeous by the way." Before I could ask him what was in the bag he was walking toward his dorm and Bobby was asking me what I wanted to drink with dinner.

Before I knew it dinner was eaten, the mess cleaned up, and everyone was sitting around the Christmas tree with coffee or hot chocolate in hand. Chibs had once again disappeared right after dinner. Not bothering to tell me where he was going. Clay stood in the middle of the room and cleared his throat. "Well, as you all know we are under a lockdown, and yeah I know it sucks that it is Christmas Eve. But I just wanted to say there isn't a better group of people that I would rather be locked up with. As this is a special occasion I figured we could do a little something different tonight. We have a very special friend coming over in a few minutes and I hope everyone is on their best behavior." he looked at the kids who were all staring up at him curiosity in their eyes. Just then a loud thump came from the front of the clubhouse, followed by a knock on the door. "Why don't you go open the door Abel" Jax urged his son, who was on his feet in seconds. "Well ello' there lad! Have ye' been a good boy this year?" came an unmistakable Scottish accent. Abel began to jump up and down before running back to Jax and Tara. "It's Santa"! He exclaimed as Chibs walked around the corner. He was decked out from head to toe in a red suit. He even had a big white beard and sunglasses. The kids were on their feet faster than anyone could imagine, and you couldn't help the smile that was on your face. Chibs sat down in one of the empty chairs as one by one the kids came and sat down on his lap, telling him what they wanted for Christmas. In return, Chibs handed each of them a present. As they opened them each kid was found they were given a pair of Christmas pajamas and their favorite Christmas movies. Finally, the only child left was Thomas, who Chibs took gingerly in his arms. "Well look at this handsome lad" he cooed as Thomas reached for the fake beard and pulled it down to reveal a silver and brown goatee. "Well looks like the cats out of the bag now lad" he laughed as he took off the beard and handed it to Piper who took off into the kitchen followed by Abel. Not wanting to be left out of the Christmas joy, the adults were each allowed to open one present. Chibs handed out gifts quickly and one by one, new jackets, helmets, gift cards, and shirts were unwrapped. Finally, the only person who hadn't opened their gift was you. Turning toward you, Chibs grabbed your hand and got you to your feet. "You ready to open your gift love"? You nodded, allowing your inner kid to come out. "Look behind the tree love, it's in a purple box". He instructed and you went to find your present.

Unfortunately, there was nothing purple behind the tree. "I don't see anything back here Filip, you huffed turning around to see Chibs down on one knee in front of your family. Your heart began to race as you seen the smile on his face. "Well would you look at tha', I had your present here with me all along" he joked reaching for a small box in his Santa coat. "Lass, I know we have hard our differences of opinion. What color to paint the guest bedroom, what to do for dinner, and why it is or isn't okay to make out in public. But there is no other women I would rather have those differences with. Lass, you have changed me for tha' better and I don' just want ye as my girlfriend. I want ya' to wear my crow, to be my old lady, and most importantly, I want ye to be my wife. (Y/N) will ye do me the most amazin' honor of marrying me"? You looked down at the most amazing man you had ever known. The Santa outfit only adding to his charm. "Filip Telford, there is no better honor in the world than to call you my husband. Yes, I will marry you". Tears were filling your eyes as he stood up and slid the ring on your finger. His lips caressed your own as the clubhouse erupted with applause and jeers of congratulations. "This is officially the best Christmas ever Mr. Telford" You whispered in between kisses. A smile as big as the grand canyon covered his lips as he pulled you in closer. Needing to feel you in his arms. 

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