You Said My name in Your Sleep

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Cheap laundry detergent, whiskey, and cigarette smoke. Those were the scents that filled your lungs as you regained consciousness. Last night had been one hell of a party at the clubhouse. Like always you had been pretty well buzzed before ten.

Man, this couch is way comfier than I remember you thought to yourself as you opened your eyes.

A Reaper flag was the first thing to greet you, followed by the movement to your left. This was definitely not the couch you layed down on last night, and it sure as fuck wasn't big enough for two people to lay on.

"Morning love" a scottish accent greeted you as you rolled over to face the consequences of your drinking. You smiled at Chibs, who had one arm under his head, the other laying across his chest.

"We didnt..." you started as Chibs lit a cigarette.

"Nah love. Ye were completely conked out when I brought ye in here"

A feeling of relief and disappointment filled your body as you rolled over on your side to face the Scotsman who you had been harboring a crush on for sometime.

"How did I end up in your bed Filip? I thought I layed down on that couch in the corner of the clubhouse."

"Ya did lass. Passed out around two in the morning, though I'm not sure how with all that racket going on"

You smiled, knowing when you were tired nothing could keep you awake.

"You didn't have a blanket" Chibs started as he ground his cigarette butt into an ashtray on his nightstand.

"I went to cover ye up, and when I did... ye said my name in your sleep".


Chibs laughed at the scared look on your face before rolling on his side to face you.

"I thought ye were awake at first. But then ye started snoring immediately afterwards.

"I do NOT snore" you scolded him, slapping his playfully on his chest. Which to your surprise, was still covered with a shirt. Looking down his body you seen he was still fully clothed with the exception of his boots.

"You kept your clothes on"

"Aye love, I didna want ye to think we had a night of crazy, passionate, sex ye couldn't remember"

His comment made you laugh.

"Yeah I would have been pretty pissed if we fucked and I didn't even have any memory of it to revisit later."

Chibs raised his eyebrows.

"Well lass, if ye want to remember it, you're pretty much sober now"

Chibs placed his hand on your hip, and pulled you closer to him.

Catching the meaning to his words you leaned up and placed a kiss on his chest.

"That sounds like an offer I can't refuse babe" you laughed as Chibs crawled on top of you and removed his shirt.     

Chibs Telford One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now