9-month confession

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Your POV

I sat in the parking lot of Teller-Morrow Automotive, looking for his bike out of habit. It sat in his designated spot. Second to the left, right beside Jax's. It had been almost a year since I had left the place I had one called home after finding my old man Chibs under some random crow eater. Alec let out a startled cry from his car seat as the sound of more bikes pulling into the lot filled my ears. "Shhh it's okay darling, you'll soon learn to love that noise" I cooed. He was getting hungry, I knew I would have to feed him soon. Hopefully, Filip wouldn't mind me using his apartment. My breast tingled at the thought of that amazing release. Not yet, girls, we have a confession to make first. I quickly checked what little makeup I had applied in my rear view before getting out and grabbing Alec. "Come on love time to meet your daddy".

The clubhouse hadn't changed at all in the year of my absence. Chuck was still behind the bar, and the chapel door was closed. A cigar box full of cell phones on the pool table. Guess the guys were in church. My anxiety had risen from a three to an eight the moment I walked through the door. I had no problem raising Alec on my own, but Filip did have the right to know he was a father again. "Y/N"? The familiar voice came from behind me. Gemma Teller was standing in the doorway, manilla envelopes resting on her hands. "Hey Gem" I answered back. My hand automatically tightening its hold on Alec's car seat. I felt Gemma's eyes move from my face to the car seat. "Guess you came here to come clean". She asked laying the papers on the bar. I silently nodded as she walked over and engulfed me in a hug. "He was all to shit when you left baby. But you know that stubborn old goat. Once he sets his mind to something he follows through, and his mind was on protecting you." "I know Gem. I found out about Alec when I was two months along. By then I was off the grid and I'm sure chibs was under someone else".

Gemma looked down at my son then back toward the chapel door. Alec took this opportunity to let out a cry. I watched as Gemma leaned down to pick the car seat up and place it on the bar. Alec, intrigued by the new face was quiet again. "He has Chib's eyes, and smile that's for sure." she laughed as Alec began to move his little mouth in a sucking motion. "he on a bottle or the boob" she asked unclipping his buckle. "Boob" I replied as she took him out of the seat. "Go on and go into Chib's apartment and feed the little guy. I'll send him your way when church is over". She carefully handed Alec to me and grabbed a towel out from under the bar. "Here, in case you need to clean up a little." Gemma gave me a quick smile before hugging me again. "I don't know how long your home for, but I'm glad your back baby". I laughed into her shoulder. "That all depends on how Mr. Telford reacts". I called over my shoulder as I headed toward his room.

Chibs POV

Jax slammed the gavel down, signaling the end of our meeting. I needed a drink and a strong one at that. Walking towards the bar I noticed a car seat sitting at the other end. "Where's Tara and the wee one"? I asked Chuck as he slid a shot toward me. Thomas had been a bright light in my dark life the past year. Just holding the little lad was a sort of therapy. "Tara's not here. Some (Y/H/C) headed lady came in and talked to Gemma, told her to go to your apartment". My heart sank a little bit at the mention of a (Y/H/C) head. The only one I wanted back in my life was God knows where. Taking my shot I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Gemma standing beside me. She pulled me into a quick hug and whispered in my ear. "if you hurt her again you'll wish you had never met me". Before I knew what I was doing I was running down the hallway toward my room. When I opened the door I swear my heart stopped. Sitting cross-legged on my bed with a baby to her bosom was the love of my life. Y/N glanced up from the baby and met my eyes. "You going to let the whole club see or close the door"? She asked bringing me out of my shock. I stepped into the room and quickly closed the door.

Not knowing what to say I pulled a chair up in front of my bed and straddled it. In the year since she had been gone, Y/N's hair had grown about six inches, her boobs had gotten bigger for obvious reasons, but her (Y/C) eyes were still as beautiful as always. The little lad at her chest was trying to fall asleep. He lost his grip on his mother and was slowly blinking up at her as she sat him up and placed his head on her shoulder, patting his back until he burped contently. "Will you hand me the diaper bag, Filip"? she asked as she nodded toward the desk by the door. I hadn't even seen the bag when I entered. Getting to my feet I will quickly abided and she dug out a wet wipe and wiped the wee lad's lips free of milk. "Is he mine?yours" I asked, my words barely above a whisper. She laid him between two pillows at the head of the bed before turning toward me.

"Biologically, yes he's your's Filip, if you claim him as yours is a whole other story." (Y/N) sat back down at the foot of the bed. My fingers ached to touch the skin that was showing underneath the holes in her jeans. "You know, I never thought I would be able to step foot back into the clubhouse, matterless, into this room." I watched her as she looked around. I hadn't moved anything since the day she left. "I don't even think you've cleaned anything in here since I left." Her eyes finally landed on me again. "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant before you left"? I asked, trying to hide the anger in my voice. "I missed your entire pregnancy, hell knowing you, you were alone when you delivered him!" I exclaimed. My voice being louder than I intended. A small noise came up from my pillows accompanied by the sound of movement, before finally settling down again.

"I didn't know I was pregnant when I left and I didn't find out until I was already a month and a half along. By that time I was away from Charming, and you were probably fucking every crow eater in this place so don't try to guilt trip me Filip!" her words stung. Yes, I had fucked some crow eater when I knew she would be stopping by, it was the only way I could make her leave. but I hadn't been with anyone since. "If you must know" her words caught my attention again. "Yes, I was alone when I delivered him. I was in labor for seventeen hours, and in case you didn't notice he has a big head just like you which let me tell you was not a joy to push out". I tried to speak but she continued talking over me like she always did when she was pissed off. "He was born on our anniversary, which is October 13th in case you've forgotten. He weighed eight pounds and three ounces, and his eyes are brown just like yours." tears were starting to form in her eyes, and I felt my heart break all over again at the thought of her having to go through this alone. "He has a birthmark on his right wrist that looks like a star, and I swear to God Filip Telford, if you ever hurt that boy I will kill you a thousand times over do you understand!" I quickly drew her into my arms, not being able to hold back any longer. Her tears were falling freely now and mine were as well.

"Yes I claim him as mine, and I want him in my life love, I want you back in my life. I did what I had to do at the time in order to protect ya, can't you see that? After what the Irish did to Fiona did you really think I would let them do anything to you? I had to push you away love." The words were out of my mouth in a gibberish rush. Before I knew what was happening my lips were on hers.

Your POV

His kiss sent a jolt of electricity through my body. I had longed for the feel of his lips on me again for longer than I wanted too. I could feel the heat coming off of his body as he pulled me closer to him. His hands found my hips and he dug his nails in. He knew that drove me crazy. A moan escaped my lips as I ran my fingers through his hair. Chibs hands had just made their way to my ass when Alec began to cry. Chibs quickly pulled away from me and walked over to his son, taking Alec into his arms for the first time. "What's all this fussin' about then lad"? Chib's asked his son as he cradled Alec to his chest. "He probably needs to be changed" I commented trying to take action from Chib's arms. "He smiled and shook his head. "I can handle it lass, this isn't my first rodeo ya' know"? I handed over the diaper bag as chibs laid Alec down on the bed and changed his diaper. Once our son was clean again, Filip, cuddled him to his chest as if he had been doing it Alex's whole life. The sight of him holding his son made my heart sore. I had imagined this moment so many times and never had to details been this good.

"Look, lass, I know our relationship isn't perfect, and it may never be. But I wan' to be there for you and the barin. I will' support you and the wee one in any way I can. Just as long as you let me. Then maybe, after we adjust to being parents together, we can start workin' on bein a family" His voice filled my ears and I felt the faintest trace of hope for our future. "I would be delighted with hat Filip". Chibs leaned in close to me and placed a quick kiss on my lips. "Come on mum', let's go introduce the newest member of SAMCRO to the rest of the fella's". 

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