Hiking Fun

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"Come on lass, isna to much further now" Chibs called out over his shoulder to you. The cold Scotland air was burning your lungs as you followed him up the steep hill. "You're gonna' love the view Y/N, I'm telling ya, there is nothin' like this back in Charming" he called, still a good seven or eight steps ahead of you. "When you get my tombstone, make sure it says loved Food and Chibs" you called trying to catch your breath. As much as Filip had talked about this "spot" of his, it had better be as beautiful as that The Starry Night painting you had always wanted to see in person. Although it was freezing outside, your body was hot, sweat was dripping down your skin underneath the heavy hoodie he insisted you wear.

"I thought you said this place wasn't too much further" you whined, an hour after he had made the comment. Your feet were going to have numerous blisters on them thanks to your new boots, which you hadn't had time to break in before you had left Charming. "It's not love I promise, just over that cliff there" he pointed toward a cliff that you couldn't even see. "Why are we coming all the way up here again,its" you asked him as your ears popped for the sixth time. Stopping to face you, Chibs cupped your face with his calloused hands. "We are up here, becauit'sa special occasion love. This is your first time in Scotland! It's a magical place here, filled with history, kilts, and romance"! He exclaimed waggling his eyebrows. You couldn't hold back the laughter that you felt bubbling up inside you as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him toward you. "What am I going to do with you"? You asked him, rubbing the tip of your frozen nose against the warmth of his neck. You felt his arms wrap around your waist as he kissed the top of your head. "You're going to love me, feed, me, and hopefully accompany me to the top of this rock before I'm a hundred" he joked, pulling away from you. "Lead the way then my knight is rugged plaid" you laughed following Chibs up the remainder of the hill.

"Filip this is gorgeous"! You exclaimed as you sat your rucksack down on a nearby rock. You had finally made it to the top of the hill, and of course Filip had been right. You didn't have views like this back in charming. The dark green grass spread for miles, the sky an endless sea of blue. You took a deep breath, noticing a deer standing in the distance grazing. "Filip come look at this deer" you call toward your man, but don't hear an answer. Turning around to see where Chibs has ran off too, you find him with knee on the ground. Your heart begin to race as a smile unlike one Chibs has had before, spreads across his face. "Lass, the reason why I wanted ye up here today, is because this is where my Da' proposed to me Mum, just like his father before him. I know we have our fights every once in awhile, but Y/N, there is no one in the world I would rather spend the day arguin' with. You are everythin' to me lass. You have been by my side, fearlessly since day one, and I want to be by yours on day three million. Y/N, will ye marry me lass"?

Tears were streaming down your face as you pulled Chibs to his feet, pouring your heart and soul out in the kiss you placed on his lips. "I take that as a yes then" he laughed as he slid the ring on your finger. "You don't know how happy you make me honey", you told him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. "I know you make me the happiest man in all the world love." Bringing his lips down to meet yours, Chibs and you officially carried on the Telford Family tradition.   

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