"Bite Me" "If you Insist"

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Typical Saturday morning at the clubhouse. I'm walking around, a bottle of Febreze in one hand, and a trash bag in another. Stupid croweaters, think they can just throw their bras, trash, and panties anywhere and It's totally fine! Shit pisses me off so bad. I'm spraying down the couches that surround the stripper pole in the corner when I hear the sound of footsteps coming from down the hall. I turn to see if it's a croweater to give her a piece of my mind, only to find Chibs standing with his back against the bar, watching me.

"What the hell you doing up so early lass"?

I hold up the Febreze and trash bag. "Cleaning the clubhouse before it gets tagged again tonight what else".

Chib's laughs as he walks toward me. His sock covered feet sliding easily across the wood floor.

"Didn't know you were a croweater love" he teases as he grabs a bra off of the floor beside the bar.

"Bite Me" I retort.

Chibs stands up straight and looks at me. All hints of playfulness out the window.

"If the insist love" he strides towards me in four steps, placing one hand on the back of my neck and the other on my waist. Before I know it, his teeth are on my neck, biting and sucking as if he is a vampire and I am his first meal in centuries.

"Filip what are you doing"!

I feel his tongue lash out against my skin, trying to soothe the bite marks.

"Ya told me to bit ye, ya little minx"

His hand moves down from my hip towards my ass.

"I wasn't being serious, " I tell him as his other hand moves down to my ass as well. I feel myself being picked up and out of instinct, I wrap my legs around his waist.

"Well no, you know never to tell a Scott to do something if ye don't want it done" he chimes before continuing the assault on my neck. I'm going to have hickeys for weeks.

He sits me down on the pool table, but status standing between my legs.

"Have I ever told you how attractive ye are"? He questions as he places my hands on his chest.

"No, as a matter of fact, you haven't"

He smiles and leans down so we are face to face. His nose a mere inch from mine.

"Well love, to be honest, I think the sun shines out of that lovely plump arse of yours". He emphasizes his point by grabbing said ass.

"well, in that case, I think the moon shines out of yours"

Chibs' lips find their way down from the pulse point in my neck to my lips and down my collar bone. I can feel how bad he wants me through the thin denim of my jeans.

"Will ye have me lass" he questions, searching my eyes with his dark brown ones.

The sound of a door opening interrupts my reply. We glance toward the front door. Opie is walking in, pulling a beanie over his man bun. He stops in his tracks when he sees me and Chibs by the pool table.

"I'm going to walk away and pretend I didn't see anything". He smiles and holds up his hands as he quickly grabs a bottle from behind the bar and walks towards the dorms.

Chib's laughs as his eyes find mine again.

"What do ye say we find someplace a wee bit more private"

I wrap my arms around his neck, prepared to be lifted off the pool table.

"I say that sounds like an amazing idea". 

Chibs Telford One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now