The Climber

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Authors note
I joined this website from recommendation from a friend. I hope this website helps my book get opinions and also open up the readers heart to the pain and challenges of this Era.

Thank you for reading,
The two friends walk up the stairs of the palace. All the noblewomen smiled at the two handsome gentlemen. The 2 of them walked into the palace and walked upon the red carpet which had welcomed so many royals over the century. The people of the room bowed as the Czar walked in. A priest came up to Czar Paul and his friend Adrian.

"Congratulations the council and church has second the motion of the Czar. Welcome to the elite Lord Adrian diplomat of Russia and the commonwealth"

Lord Michael came up to the Advisor Adrian and put out his hand. "Congratulations son" he said. They hugged and the Czar pat him on the back.

Paul then said," let's make our way to the Throne room."

Lord Adrian was paraded around as most everyone was happy to see his hard work pay off. The Czar sat on his throne and Adrian bowed before the powerful king. The priest and Czar put a large blue coat on him. The coat had golden buttons which were carefully put together by the priest. A knight tied a red band around his waist. He stood up and the Czar pinned medals to his uniform. The diplomat bowed again and stepped down.

The trumpets were blown and the announcer yelled," presenting Diplomat Adrian Marcellus of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. Everyone clapped as the Diplomat has made his parents and friends proud. But what will a diplomat be like? He asks himself.
Chapter 1
Adrian Marcellus of the Grand Duchy of Moscow walks outside the winter palace. The first flowers have begun to bloom. The year is 1794 and he has come a long way since the days of childhood. He looks at the fields he once played on, playing soccer with the other children. The days were everyone thought of him as a person who will never achieve the greatness of his father Lord Michael. Today he stands as an important Lord to the Grand Duchy.

"Walk with me" Czar Paul asked Adrian.

Adrian asked the Czar," do you wish to speak to me your majesty"

"Lord Adrian are you sure you are going to be able to complete this task?" The czar asked

Adrian fixed his cloak, and said," everyone does their service to you, now it is my turn"

"Have you decided who you want to bring with you?" Czar Paul asked.

"I will bring Sir Henry."

"Your wish will be granted, but why do you want to bring the Irish man "

Adrian responded saying," I have been friends with him since birth and I trust him with my life"

"I understand" The czar said.

"God bless you Lord Adrian"
Lord Adrian bowed and entered the carriage with Sir Henry.
Part 2
The trumpets were sounded as the carriage entered the iron gate. The trip from Moscow to Krakow was bitter and cold. Adrian and Henry were helped off the carriage by Servant boys. Each man from Russia walked into the palace.

Henry walked into the palace 1st followed by Adrian. King Curtiss approached the diplomat and said," Lord Adrian it's a pleasure to have you staying at court, the Commonwealth is happy to have you"

"Thank you your majesty" Lord Adrian said.

"Take these men to their chambers!" the king called out. 2 servants picked up the bags and went toward the chambers, followed by the 2 foreigners.

As the 2 men walked the marble and royal hallway. A darker gentleman, with a small black beard, and a long black coat approached them. "Gentleman welcome to the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth" he said

"Are you Lord Alessandro?" Adrian asked.

"Yes, I am" Lord Alessandro said.

Lord Alessandro continued saying," tonight I am hosting a party at my field, in honor of my deceased father. Would you like to come?"

"We will definitely be there " Adrian responded.

Lord Alessandro put out his hand to Adrian and said," I look forward to seeing you their Lord Adrian". Adrian shook Lord Alessandro's hand and left to his chambers.

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