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Chapter 17
Adrian and Marcella weathered out the storm. The next month or so is still full of fighting. They both want to fix this, but how? Instinct went back to Spain, Nathan and Abigail continued traveling Europe, Gabriella still stayed in Poland, and Sir Henry remained in Ireland.

After breakfast a guest arrived in a royal carriage. Adrian was nervous has Diplomat Nicholas returned? The royal carriage came to a stop and a man, much worse came out of that carriage. Prince David.

"I thought you banished him?" Adrian asked Marcella.

Marcella looked forward and said," I did but there is something called unbanishment"

Adrian walked away as he heard the announcer sob as he yelled," Welcome David Prince of Austria heir to the Habsburg line"

The people were devastated to see this man walk the royal path of Poland once again.
Chapter 17 part 2
The next few days are awkward between the Princess, Adrian and Prince David. However, another royal guest arrives. Adrian is so stressed out he doesn't even bother to greet him.

A knock is heard at Adrian's chambers. Adrian has not been out of his chamber in a few days. He opens the door and there stands Sir Henry. Henry then said," it's me"

Adrian opened the door and said," you have returned in troubling times"

Sir Henry and Lord Adrian sat down for tea as they discussed the new issue which has befell them. Sir Henry then said," Marcella loves you she will come back eventually"

As he finished his sentence trumpets were heard. But it wasn't a welcome horn. It was a disaster horn. Adrian and Henry left the chamber and a soldier came running in. "All royals to the kings meeting room now!" he yelled.

The 2 men went to the Kings meeting room which was quite packed. A highly-decorated man stood on a chair and said," the castle is under attack from revolutionaries. Everyone please make it to the basement."

The king and his family went first followed by his royal advisors, followed by the lower ranked royals and international royals.

The soldiers went to every door in the palace and yelled," emergency leave your rooms now!"

Everyone went to the basement and the door was locked from the inside. In the basement, Adrian and Marcella sat together. As Marcella, trusted Adrian despite the problems.

Meanwhile outside, "Death to the monarchs!" the people screamed.

The general came out of the palace as he stood at the gate. The people with axes and not proper weapons. "You have the option of leaving with no punishment or being killed for treason!" the General said.

The people continued chanting and the gates were opened the people tried to get in but a Calvary rode up to the citizens. The Calvary attacked the citizens with their new weapon of the gun. Hundreds of peasants died at the gun of the monarchy.
Chapter 18
The monarch won and the elite left the basement. However, when the revolt happened, there was a border skirmish between Polish and Russian troops. Two soldiers came up to the chambers of Lord Adrian. "Yes gentlemen?" Adrian asked.

"You have been summoned by King Curtiss" One of the soldiers said.

"I will be back soon!" yelled Adrian.

He walked down the hallway and everyone looked at him being escorted by 2 soldiers. Has his downfall really started? People asked themselves. He entered the throne room and King Curtiss said," I am sure you have heard of the border skirmish."

"Of course, and the lieutenant who ordered it is being forced into an early retirement." Adrian said.
The king then said," Adrian you are a gentleman but the czar can no longer be trusted which is why I am breaking the engagement between you and Marcella" The Princess stood next to the King as he said this.

"This absurd!" Adrian yelled.

"You are welcome here as a diplomat but not as a future Prince"

Adrian turned around, with a tear in his eye and walked away. He left the throne room followed by the Princess. "Adrian!" she yelled.

"Yes Marcella?" Adrian asked.

"We can get back together one day" she said.

She continued saying," do you mind if we are friends?"

"I just don't think I can be friends with you, we can continue being together without your parents knowing." Adrian said.

"I am sorry Adrian but I agree with them" Marcella said. She walked away from Adrian. Adrian stayed there in tears.

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