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Chapter 8
The next morning Adrian called the servant. "Take our bags away" he said.

"Yes, my lord" the servant said.

Henry entered the room and said," let's go Adrian"

Henry and Adrian walked behind the servant and Henry spoke again saying," I did something you will thank me for later"

"What did you do Henry?" Adrian asked.

The Russian and Irishman walked through the courtyard door, Marcella ran up and yelled," wait Adrian!"

Adrian turned around and asked," what Marcella?"

Marcella ran into Adrian's arms and hugged him. He lifted her as they continued. She let go a bit and said," I love you Adrian, I am yours and only yours"

They continued there romantic moment for another minute until he put Marcella down. He touched her beautiful blonde hair and said," I learned that you never know what you have until its gone, and I need you in my life"

Henry smiled and pat Adrian on the back. "Let's go talk to the king" the Irishman said.

Adrian put out his hand and the Princess held it. They walked down the hallway to the kings meeting room. They showed the entire court including all noblemen, government men, servants, soldiers, and slaves from Africa. The couple and Irishman reached the door. Princess Marcella knocked on the door. A servant opened the door, Princess Marcella and her future husband walked in. King Curtiss stood up and said," close the door"

The servant left the room and closed the door. "Dad, mom, Adrian and I have something to tell you" the princess said.

"King and Queen of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth I wish to court your daughter" Lord Adrian said.
King Curtiss sat on his chair and put his hand over his head. Curtiss said to his wife," you can handle this"

"I have no problem with this if we get Russia's support in any future war" the Queen said.

"I agree" Adrian responded.

"I will send our best rider to tell your parents the news. Before I announce this news I want your parents to agree to this" The Queen said.

"Of course," The Diplomat said as he slightly bowed.

King Curtiss then said," I hope to have a bright future between our 2 nations, you are dismissed"
Chapter 9
5 days later the first snow had arrived. Adrian wrote a letter to the czar saying,

Dear your majesty,
The Princess and I have fell in love with each other and are yet to be married. The conditions of the King are that you aid them in any future war. I hope you can agree to this as the commonwealth has much food which is what our country is looking for as we approach an industrial age. The Irishman has aided me tremendously. The Princess was engaged to Prince David of Austria-Hungary but he broke it off. I do not know if he will be back or not.

Your head Diplomat of the commonwealth,
Adrian Marcellus of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

Adrian put the note in the mail basket and heard trumpets. He and the Princess met at the gate and went out to greet the royal guest. The Pole and Russian held hands in public as Lord Alessandro walked by. He slightly bowed and said," your majesty". He looked at Adrian and walked away.

"What was that all about?" The Princess asked Adrian.

Adrian held her hand tighter and said," I don't know but it is not good"

The carriage came to a complete stop and out came a woman. The Princess and Adrian could not see over the Privy council as they were always in front. The announcer yelled," welcome Lady Melania of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, mother of the Diplomat and Future Prince of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth Adrian Marcellus of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, and friend of Czar Paul the first.

Melania slightly bowed to the king and queen as Adrian approached her with Princess Marcella next to him. "Mom this is Marcella" Adrian said.

"Hello Princess" Melania said as she slightly bowed. She hugged Adrian as the Queen approached the three of them.

"Hi Lady Melania" The Queen said.

"Your majesty, how are you?" Lady Melania asked.

"I am fine, shall we get tea?" the Queen asked.

"Yes of course" She responded.

The group went to the Tea house in Krakow. Marcella and Adrian left the carriage holding hands. There first public appearance together. The people around stared and many people began to whisper. The Queen noticed this and called out," your whispers are treason"

The citizens were quiet after she said that. The group entered the house and were sat at a table. 2 two seat tables. The Queen said from there table," this is not a date"

The Princess and future prince laughed lightly and chatted among themselves. After they all finished their tea they left. The Queen said," good news Adrian your mother agreed that she will influence the czar as much as she can"

"Mother thank you so much" Adrian said.

"Of course, honey just remember your duty as a diplomat" Lady Melania said.

"Where is dad by the way?" Adrian asked.

"Oh, you didn't hear, there are groups of people revolting against Paul, your father is helping oppress this rebellion" Lady Melania said.

"Aren't these rebellions terrible, these peasants really need to learn their place" the Queen said

"Yes, I so agree!" Lady Melania yelled.

"I must go, good bye son" Melania said. She hugged Adrian, Marcella, and bowed to the queen. She entered her carriage , the couple and Queen entered their carriage. They rode away in opposite directions.

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