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Chapter 10
The people of the Polish court began to shun future Prince Adrian Marcellus. A few days after Lady Melania left a letter from the Czar arrived in Poland. The letter said the following,

Dear Lord Adrian,
I am very happy for you and the Polish Princess and wish you much happiness. A united Eastern front is exactly what we need. You and Henry continue to complete your job and make your parents and I very happy. Henry however is going to the British Isles to fill in for the head diplomat as he has fell ill.

Your position in Polish court should be safe unless Prince David comes back.

Czar Paul the First, King of Russia, and head of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.
"Henry!" Adrian called out.

"Yes Adrian?" Henry asked.

"Did you know you are being relocated west?" Adrian asked.

"I leave in the morning." Henry proclaimed

"So, I am going to be in this place alone?" Adrian asked as he put his head down.

Henry put his hand on Adrian's back and said," I will only be gone for a few months and you also need some alone time with Marcella"

Henry and Adrian hugged. Adrian then left the quarters and met the Princess in her quarters. "Hello Adrian" The Princess said.

Adrian kissed Marcella on the forehead and said," how are you my love"

The Princess and Adrian spoke lightly and sat on the couch holding hands and cuddling. "You know Marcella, one day I will take you to Russia. It is the most beautiful place in the world"

"Really Adrian?" Marcella asked.

"What makes it so beautiful"

"Russia has a beautiful coast and gorgeous mountains" Adrian said.

Adrian continued saying," nothing is as beautiful as you though"

Marcella smiled as they spoke about their future together.
Chapter 11
The next few weeks are heaven for Adrian and Marcella as their love continue to bloom. However, many of the noblemen do not like Adrian and begin to shun him. An important yearly ball is coming up and the entire royal family must attend. Princess Monica will be coming from Ukraine, Without her husband as he oversees the defense of Northern Ukraine from Russian or Austrian invasion.

Lord Adrian left his chambers that night. In a long black coat, a typical black vest, and an old fashioned bow tie. He knocked on the princess's chambers and she came out in a black dress and fancy jewelry. "Are you ready to go my love?" Lord Adrian asked.

"Of course, Adrian" Marcella said.

The Princess and Lord walked toward the ballroom. The announcer stood near the door, as the people waited in line to be let in and be announced. The announcer yelled," now entering is, Princess Monica the wife of General James of the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth" A woman who looked much like Marcella walked into the room. She was wearing a pink dress and fancy jewelry.

The announcer then said," now entering is, Princess Marcella of the Polish Lithuanian commonwealth and her fiancé Diplomat, Lord Adrian of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. The Princess and Lord walked into the room and everyone clapped. The king and queen sat on their throne as Adrian and Marcella waved to all the noble elite.

The Queen stood up and said," Lord Adrian I would like to introduce you to my firstborn"

The couple followed the Queen and there stood Princess Monica. "Monica this is Lord Adrian, Lord Adrian this is my daughter Princess Monica"

Lord Adrian slightly bowed and said," princess it's a pleasure" She put out her hand and he lightly kissed it.

Monica and Lord Adrian continued to speak. They discovered that they both support the end of feudalism. "I have fought for this for a long time" Princess Monica said.

The rest of the night went well. As Adrian gained Princess Monica and her brother's approval. His life his set. He will bring peace to the East and be happy with his love for the rest of time. He will be remembered as the man who climbed from being a person who everyone doubted to being a Prince respected by the citizens, the monarchs, and the church.

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