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Chapter 6
1 month later
"We leave today, I am excited to see Marcella" Adrian said. The carriage came into the busy streets of Moscow and picked the gentlemen up. The trip to Moscow was progressive but hard.

The journey took a day. The carriage arrived in Krakow, the king, queen, princess, and royal staff came out to greet the diplomat.

The excited diplomat left the royal carriage. He stood in front of the castle with the Irishman. Adrian approached the king, slightly bowed, and said," your majesty thank you for having me as a guest in your court once again"

"Yes of course Lord Adrian, you have made tremendous progress between our 2 nations"

Lord Adrian slightly bowed again and walked down the hallway. There the princess approached him. "Adrian!" she yelled.

Marcella hugged him and said," how was Moscow"

Adrian put his head down and said," I completed my mission but I missed you too much"

The princess let go and smiled at Adrian. A woman said from a distance," oh Marcella!"

The woman was alongside another woman. Both women have black hair, skinnier bodies, pale white skin, and are both in tight red dresses. They look identical. Marcella put her head on her head and said," these are the twin daughters of a famous nobleman in Austria-Hungary, this is Sarah and Cada"

Cada asked," who is this man?"

Marcella looked at me and said," This Lord Adrian from Moscow and he wishes to court me"

"You can't possibly want this man. He is Russian" Cada said.

Sarah interrupted saying," he is not attractive at all"

Marcella lightly touched Adrian's hand and said," I wish to court him soon"

The two girls began to laugh uncontrollably. "you must be really desperate because Prince David broke things off"

Adrian looked at the princess and said," please excuse me I have affairs to attend to"

Adrian walked away, with his head down. He walked into the meeting room and sat in his regular seat, next to the Irishman.

Henry whispered," Adrian what's wrong?"

"King David's close friends are here and I am nervous they will stir her away from me"

Henry looked at the king and whispered," Adrian I will help you take care of this later but now we must listen to King Curtiss. Adrian shook his head and faced the king.
Chapter 7
Adrian woke up two days later to trumpets. He got dressed and walked to the front of the castle and a royal carriage had arrived. Prince David exited the carriage and said," hello, commonwealth"

The queen was shocked as she saw this disgrace enter her castle once again. "David!" Cada said. She hugged him.

The Princess took off into the castle followed by Lord Adrian. "Marcella wait" Adrian called out

Marcella turned around and asked Adrian," Yes Adrian?"

"Why is here?" Adrian asked.

"Cada and Sarah invited him, for me to see him all over them" Marcella said.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Adrian yelled.

"I never knew I am sorry Adrian" Marcella yelled back sobbing.

Adrian turned back and said," I am leaving court"

"Adrian please don't!" She screamed.

"I leave at the crack of dawn, feel free to try to change my mind" Adrian said. Marcella fell to the ground sobbing.

After a few minutes, Marcella got up and approached Cada and Sarah. They were walking and Prince David was greeting the king. "You ruined everything!" she yelled.

"The one person who truly loved me, I want you out of my palace now!"

"Oh, Marcella I laugh at your desperateness" Cada said.

Marcella slowly stopped sobbing and told them in a calm tone," I want you both out of here my nightfall" Marcella walked away in true anger.

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