Conclusion/ Records

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In 1795 Russia declared war against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Shortly after the Kingdom of Prussia joined the war. Austria-Hungary joining later in the war. The commonwealth could not hold on and surrendered quickly. The Russians and Prussians met at Warsaw the new capital of the once powerful nation.

Czar Paul noticed as he was approaching the beautiful empty castle a man in a heavy cloak riding away. "Bring that man to me!" Paul yelled.

Two horsemen rode quickly to that man. "Freeze sir!" one of the soldiers yelled.

The man pulled out a gun and shot it right into the arm of one of the Calvary men. The man fell off his horse but the other man kept going. The inexperienced rider slowed down as the soldier tackled him off his horse. The man tried resisting the soldiers force but was stopped easily. Czar Paul approached the scene on his horse with his Generals. "Prince David shocked to see you here"

The soldier stood Prince David up and tied his hands. The czar said," help me find the royal family and I might consider sparing you the death penalty. "

"They are in the palace" Prince David said.

"Tie this man to your horse and bring him to the dungeon!" Czar Paul ordered the Calvary man.

"Generals come with me we are going to search the castle, lieutenant bring this man to the hospital"

Czar Paul and his unit of important Generals entered town and the towns people came out of their homes into the stone streets. The people cold and hungry from the Prussian/Russian siege.

He and his Generals got off their horses and entered the palace. "I suggest you stay behind us your majesty, it might be unsafe" one of the generals said.

"I can take care of myself thank you General" Paul responded. He walked in front as 2 generals were on his left and 2 other ones on his right. A few soldiers stood behind them.

The Czar entered the throne room. He then turned and ordered" move the bookshelf"

The soldiers moved it and there was a staircase. Czar Paul went first followed by his Generals. He entered the basement and a gunshot was heard throughout the castle. Paul was nearly hit by bullet. He ran up to King Curtiss who was sitting in the corner ,with his family, with a gun in his hand. Lord Alessandro and his family were also there. He kicked Curtiss in the face and yelled," burn this castle to ashes."

"Paul please have mercy!" Marcella yelled sobbing.

"You mean the mercy you gave Adrian" Paul responded.

Marcella stood up and said," I couldn't be with him I was lost." Lord Alessandro and his family scared they would go down with Curtis.

The sound of broken glass was heard from upstairs. "Go check it" Paul ordered his general.
The general came down running and said," I cannot handle all of them on my own."

Steps were heard coming down the staircase. Behold, a female walked into the room with 2 armed guards. She had light brown hair, skinny, and she was in her mid-30's. She was wearing a mainly black outfit, she had a black cap on with an emblem on her cap, she also had a stash decorated in medals. She pulled out a piece of parchment from her belt and yelled," your majesty stand down!"
She continued saying," Czar Paul I come as representative from the Kaiser"

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