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Chapter 2
Lord Adrian and Sir Henry walked toward the massive field owned by Lord Alessandro. Sir Henry said,” I heard from the peasants the princess is quite beautiful”

“Then I am definitely looking forward to this party” Adrian said. Adrian and Henry walked into the party. There was a band playing, there was light refreshments, and a lot of wealthy and powerful patrons.

The Russian and Irishman continued to walk around the party. The daughter of Lord Alessandro approaches the 2 gentlemen. “Diplomat come over here!” She yelled.

Sir Henry said,” I guess we follow her” The two gentlemen follow the daughter as they pass the dance floor. The princess is sitting on a chair. Getting her light blonde hair played with by Lord Alessandro’s youngest daughter. The princess is a gorgeous woman. She has light green eyes, pale skin, a skinnier body, and the most beautiful blonde hair.

Adrian took off his hat and approached the princess. Princess Marcella smiled at Adrian. Adrian spoke saying,” Princess Marcella I am Diplomat Adrian” Princess Marcella put out her hand and Adrian gently kissed it.

“No need for introductions” the princess said.

The princess continued,” I have already heard a lot about you”. The diplomat looked at the princess in the eye and she looked back at him. Adrian unable to resist her everlasting beauty.

“So, what is Prince David like?” Lord Alessandro’s older daughter asked.

The lord’s other daughter asked in a loud tone,” oh yeah what is he like, is he as charming as the rumors say?”
“Well girls, he is a great looking man and I think I love him, he wants to take me to his home land Austria”

“Oooh Austria!” the girls yelled.

As the party continued Lord Adrian and Sir Henry spoke with some of the nobles. At the end of the party Lord Alessandro said a toast. He held his cup of wine in the air and yelled,” I would like to welcome Lord Adrian and the Irishman to our wonderful, happy land. I hope you complete your mission assigned to you by your king”

Everyone else yelled,” so mote it be!”
Chapter 3
The next morning was a meeting in court. Lord Adrian was invited to it but not Sir Henry. “I have to go by myself Henry”

“Fine Adrian I will just explore court or something” Henry responded.

Adrian responded,” I will talk to the king see if you can start coming to the meetings” Henry got up and left the room. Adrian did the same a few minutes later. As Adrian walked down the perfect and beautiful hallways he saw the Princess and Queen arguing.

“I want to go to Austria with him!” Princess Marcella yelled.

“If you want to see him he can come to the commonwealth!” she yelled back.

“This is so unfair!” The Princess yelled
“You’re lucky we even approve of him, Austria does nothing for us!”

Adrian shifted his brown cloak and approached the two of them.,” is everything alright here?” Adrian asked.

The princess looked at the Queen and said,” yes everything is jolly” The princess stormed away toward her chambers. Adrian slightly bowed and said,” your majesty”

Adrian walked away from them toward the meeting. Meanwhile right outside the castle gates. The horses of the royal chariot galloped. Prince David has arrived. “Are you ready to leave my love?”

“David I cannot go with you” the Princess responded.

“Why not!” David yelled.

David continued yelling,” do you even care for me!”

The princess put her hand on his turned shoulder and said,” of course I do, David I love you”

David turned around and said,” I am leaving, do not come for me”

The princess fell to the ground sobbing. “David please do not be this way”

David got onto his carriage and headed back to Austria. Leaving the Princess alone and in tears.

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