Joncer: Meeting the Soulmates

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Jon woke up bright and early. He usually slept through his alarm or kept hitting the snooze button, but today was different. Today was gonna be great. This is because Jon's best friend, Kenny, was gonna take him to meet and possibly become part of a band. He smiled as he thought of the possibility of joining a band. Then he decided that showing up nude to a band audition would be a bad idea, so he decided to throw on a shirt and put on pants. Then he slipped on his flip flops as he heard Kenny's car horn signaling him to get his ass outside. Jon hopped into the car and they were off.

After thirty minutes of just listening to the radio Jon broke the silence, "So, what's this band like?"

"They're nice guys. One's an emo stripper, another's pretty gay, one sticks picks to his head and is tall as I am short, and the last is a bearded drummer. Don't know much about the drummer, he's kinda quiet."

Kenny said and Jon just nodded. This sounded like a pretty odd band. But if it meant weird people to play in a band then he would it. He would do anything to be in this band.

It took about an hour to get to the audition area. Jon got up there and played a song he wrote. He almost choked under the pressure and piercing blue eyes of the drummer staring at him. He decided not to stare down at his bass and pretend the boy wasn't there until he finished the song. He could feel himself blushing. Once the audition was over he went to grab a water.

"That's a nice song. Did you write yourself?" Came the voice of someone Jon assumed was Kenny because Kenny was the only one who talked to him. He turned to answer the question and nearly fell over when he saw it wasn't Kenneth at all. It was the blue eyed boy.

"Oh shit are you alright?" The boy asked. "Didn't mean to scare ya. Just thought it was a good song."

"T-thanks," Jon replied and straightened himself up. He had to straighten himself so his gay would show less. It didn't. "You have nice eyes." Jon said and realized the straightening up only made his gay show more.

"Haha thanks," the guy chuckled. "You too. I'm Spencer by the way." The guy stuck out his hand and Jon accepted it.

"I'm Jon," he said and smiled. He was shocked by the squeeze his hand received during the shake. He blushed red and smiled.

Suddenly Brendon walked in. "Hey dude! You got the job."

"Looks like we'll be spending more time together," said Spencer and winked.

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