Joshler: Make It More Comedic

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"Josh," Tyler said, "C'mere dude!"

Tyler was very excited because he was going to say something to Josh that he had never said before. Josh and him had been together for awhile and he was like imma do it finally.

Josh was like "Bro what's up?"

Tyler was like "No homo but-"

Josh said "Ye no homo either. But what?"

"I just gotta tell you."

"What do you wanna tell me bro?"

"You're- you're"

"Bro jut say it it's ok"

"You're sick as frick."

Tyler's words hung in the air for awhile. Tyler almost ran off because of the embarrassment of admitting his feelings for Josh. Then Josh grabbed Tyler's arm.

"Bro," Josh said and shed a tear, "You're also sick as frick."

Tyler stared at Joshua in disbelief. Then he smiled at him. He said, "You really think so bro."

Josh said, "I know so bro."

Then Tyler was like, "No homo but I wanna kiss you right now bro."

And Josh was like, "No homo but I wanna kiss you too bro."

And then the bros kissed. There was obviously no gayness at all in this kiss. Just two bros who wanted to touch each other's lips with their lips. They may have also had some buttsex but the lights were off and no one came inside each other so it wasn't gay.

"No homo but bro that was amazing!" Tyler said.

"No homo but yes it was." Josh said.

Then they fell asleep. Totally not in the same bed though. Cuz that's gay. And Tyler and Josh are not gay at all.

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