Chapter 17: Sweet Roses and Deadly Ones Part 2

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Eric's POV
My eyes widen as my heart picked up and my breath went heavy. More cops rushed in, I heard screams, things being dropped, and things ran in my mind. But all I could see....

was that guy drop down right in front of me..

We we're rushed out as an ambulance took the guy away. The first thing I did was call Sammie. He answered on the first ring as I sat down at my desk, taking my cap off and sat it on the desk.

"Hey." I said.

"Dad I'm glad you called I have something important to-" he began excitingly.

"I almost got shot." I said and I heard silence on the other end knowing I drained all the happiness right then and there at that moment.

"Sh-Shot? Are you okay?!" I heard the panic rise in his voice.

"I'm alive aren't I?" I asked messing up my hair slightly. "Anyways, what did you have to tell me?"

"Dad this is serious." he said and I groaned spinning in my chair slightly.

"Eric." a voice said and my head snapped up then I glanced at my left to see Chap standing in the doorway squeezing his cap making me frown.

"Call you back son." I said.

"Okay dad....bye love you." he said and hung up.

I put my phone away then put on my cap sitting up in my seat. "What's up?" I asked as Chap chewed on his lip.

"Sir...I put us in danger today."

"Everyday puts anyone in danger." I said and he gripped his cap.

"Ri-Right, but I put you in danger." his lip quivered and his eyes looked glassy.

"Chap it's okay, I put myself in danger all the ti-" I began.

"You don't get it! You could of been dead! I-I what if I didn't shoot him? What if I killed him?" he asked looking around at the floor squeezing his cap as tears went down his face. I stayed quiet for a moment as he sniffled and wiped his face.

"Did you shoot to kill?" I asked as he sniffled and looked up at me.

"Hu-Huh?" he asked.

"Did you shoot to kill?" I repeated.

"N-No, I shot him so he wouldn't shoot you. I shot him to protect you....he-he won't die will he?" he asked gulping as tears still streamed down his face.

"We can check on him tomorrow." I said standing up from my next and he nodded slowly letting me pass him as I came his way then out the door.

I eventually made my way to my car and began to drive to Oliver's university. Yes I was in a near death experience but it's Valentine's Day. I parked and got out heading in. I made my way to his dorm and used the spare card I had to get in. But when I got in nobody was there.


"Next time call before going in my dorm." Oliver huffed as I stand on the stairs waiting to be let in the huge place I'd call a mansion which he calls a house.

I was let in and their was other people here but not that many as last time I was here. Oliver closed the door and I checked him out. He looked cute in his red turtle neck sweater and dark tight jeans. Did I mention he had a nice a figure?

"So why are you-" he began to ask and I pulled him close hugging him.

He reacted to it slowly. He eventually hugged back as I hugged him tight.

"What's wrong?" he asked softly as I pulled away slowly to see his gray eyes stare up at me in worry and curiosity.

I sighed running my fingers through my hair. I looked around slightly at all the people surrounding me in fancy clothing, smiling, laughing  and talking. I eventually felt a tug and when I looked up Oliver was dragging me up the stairs. We we're in the hall and that when he dropped my arm and turned to look at me.

"Eric, what's wrong? Your worrying me." he said frowning.

"I almost got shot today." I said softly and his eyes widen. "A partner of mine shot the guy before he could shoot me though so-"

"Oh my god." Oliver said touching my cheek and my breath hitched. The corner of his eyes build up tears and he traced the cut on my cheek.

"I'm okay." I said pulling away but he grabbed my arm again dragging me to a room which turned out to the bathroom.

We eventually went to his room where he cleaned the cut and put a band aid on it. I heard him sniffle making me sigh.

"I'm okay." I said as he put the band aid box back into the first aid kit.

"That's bs, you could of...could of died!" his voice cracked and he wiped his eye.

"Could have but I didn't, I'm here." I said taking his hand and placed it on my cheek as he whimpered, the waterworks started.

"On Valentine's Day." he whimpered and I pulled him against my chest.

"I know I know...but I'm here. Sammie and you aren't going to lose me." I said kissing his head and he sniffled looking up at me as a few more tears escaped his eyes.

"Eric...." he said softly pulling me close and rest his forehead on mine closing his eyes. "I can't lose you like I lost my father.....and your son shouldn't go what I've gone through." he said quietly.

"You guys won't, I promise." I whispered and he opened his eyes. Even though he cried his eyes still looked beatiful, he still looked beatiful.

I leaned in and kissed him softly. More tears slipped down his cheeks as he closed them and kissed back. I tilt my head kissing him slowly when more tears slipped down and I wiped them away as he gripped my hair.

You won't lose me.

"You swear?"

"We're in this together." I said taking her hand entwining our fingers.

A smile formed on her face as tears went down her face, but she wiped them away then squeezed my hand. "Okay."

I love you

I blinked snapping out of my thoughts to realize Oliver had pulled away from the kiss. I stared at him as he stared at me.

"What?" I said and he looked deep into my eyes.

"I said I love you." he said with no hesitation and my heart picked up as I cupped his cheek making his cheeks tint with pink.

"I hate you too." I said and he glared hitting me making me laugh as he grumbled getting off of me but I pulled him back down.

About three months ago I didn't think I loved him. About six months ago I didn't know how bodyguarding a college rich boy would go. About a year or two ago I mocked Lenny on love but helped him with it. Among those years I ignored Megan because inside I loved her and it hurt to see her crazy and know that things would never be the same.

And to know once you love someone it's hard not to love them anymore. But that doesn't mean you won't love again. Love someone more.

I smiled and cupped his cheek again. "Oliver I love you."

Good? Bad? XD I've just been through a break up with someone I still love a few days ago with a relationship that almost lasted a year. It still hurts but it's okay, things will always get better. I still care for him and maybe one day him and I will talk again. Who knows, welp LOVE YOU MY COPTATOES PEACE!

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