Chapter 24: Your a Cop [Final]

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Eric's POV
I followed Chap down through the halls of cells. Files...files....

I opened the files finding pictures of Ryder. I quickly shut the file taking a deep breath.

I ran my fingers through my hair sighing. I didn't even read what he did yet. Kinda didn't want to read, maybe it wasn't even a big deal as I was making it out to be. I blurred out my thoughts as we came up to Dustin's cell.

Dustin leaned against the bars. His turquoise eyes wandered the place but when they landed on Chap and I they sparked with interest. He smirked making me narrow my eyes slightly watching him as we approached him. Chap was closer to the bars while I stood at least five feet away.

"Chapman, how are you?" Dustin asked grinning with his eyes glinted slightly, making me cross my arms.

I don't trust this kid. Especially with his similarities to my cousin Don.

"I'm well, you?" Chap asked and Dustin smirked.

"I'm in jail, I'm great." Dustin said ruffling his hair. "Did you bring me a pop?"

I raised an eyebrow at Chap who's face was pink and he looked away from me. I glared then looked at Dustin.

"No he didn't, what do you want a pop for?" I asked making Dustin look at me.

"To drink, duh." Dustin stopped leaning on the bars, standing straight. "Chapman it's boring here, you haven't visit me since last Sunday, kinda mean." he pouted slightly and Chap frowned.

"Sorry Dustin, work has got me busy." Chap said and I stepped in.

"And we're still busy, come on Chap let's go." I said and he nodded stiffly then glanced at Dustin waving at him before walking away from him.

Dustin waved and I glared at him. He raised an eyebrow smirking.

"Don't play around with Chap, be lucky he feels bad for you. Watch yourself or I'll get you out somewhere he can't see you." I said and he shrugged.

I turned my back to him following Chap down the halls. He was kinda far ahead and I quickly caught up to him.

"What was that?" I asked and he sighed.

"He's not that bad."

"That's what they all want you to think. Don't let your guard down." I said glaring and Chap frowned.

"They?" he asked as we made our way through security and eventually outside.

"People like him." I simply said as we made it to my cop car which I unlocked and we got in.

"Eric he's really not bad. At first he was mean when I showed up and very cold. He's more nice now. And the pop thing started with me...I brought pop there one time and he was staring at it-"

"Food and beverages aren't allowed in there." I said thumping him making him whine. "And he could be using the pop as a way to escape or anything. He's probably nicer because he sees he can take advantage of you."

"And how could he do that? And what can pop cans do?" he grumbled putting on his seatbelt.

"Who knows Chap, and he calls you Chapman?" I asked starting the car.

"He likes to be proper maybe." Chap said smiling and my eyes narrowed.

"Chap your not friends with him, correct?" I asked and Chap frowned.

"No, I just visit him and talk to him. Maybe bring him pop." he said making me sigh as I drove off.

I glanced at Chap and he was looking at the files. I quickly glanced away.

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