Happy birthday

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It's the end of the schoolday and I still didn't talk to the beautiful new girl. I tried to talk with her after math but Tom took her with him. After that I didn't saw her anymore. "Come on guys, we're going to the skatepark" Alex said. "We can't, my dad said we need to go to my house after school." The guys groaned. "Come on guys let's go" I said. We went to the bus and went to my house.


"HEY WE'RE HOME" I screamed. Alex, Emery and I went to the living room and saw our dads sitting on the couch. A blonde dude was sitting next to my dad. They were laughing. "Hey guys, you remember Luke?" Uncle Ashton said. We looked at the guy and remember him. "UNCLE LUKE!!!" We screamed. "Hey guys, how are you?" He asked us. "good good. But one question. What are you doing here?" Emery asked. "Well, Luke and his daughter are gonna live with Calum and Blake" uncle Ashton said. I looked shocked. What??!!! "Who is your daughter?" Emery asked. A blonde girl came walking in the livingroom. She was on her phone so we can't see her face. "Jessica?" uncle Luke said. She looked up and I was double shocked. There, right in front of me, stood the beautiful new girl. "hey?" she said as a question. "Jessica this is Calum, Michael and Ashton and their sons Blake, Alex and Emery. I still looked shocked. Emery pushed me forward. "Hi" we all said. "Oh, one other thing. This is for you Blake" Uncle Luke said. I looked at him and he had a present in his hand. "Happy birthday" he said. I opened the present and was once again shocked. "No way" I said. He give me a signed guitar pick. The guitar pick was signed by the one and only Billie Joe Armstrong. "Wow, cool, you know the Billie Joe Armstrong?" Emery said. "Can I have my drum sticks signed?" Alex asked. Uncle Michael slapped him on the haed. "What? It's fucking cool" Alex said. "Thanks uncle Luke" I said. "no problem" "Anyway, we need to go" Uncle Ashton said. Uncle Michael stood up. "we need to go too" I said goodbye to Alex and Emery and they went out. I looked at my dad an uncle Luke. Jessica was away. "So, Luke and Jessica come live with us" my dad said. "Okay" I said. I didn't know what to say. Should I be happy or not? I was still shocked about the present. "I'm gonna go upstair" I said to them. They nodded and I went upstairs. I walked passed the extra bedroom and saw Jessica. This must be her bedroom. I saw posters hanging on the wall. She has a nice music taste. I saw posters of Twenty One Pilots, All Time Low, Green Day, Black Veil Brides, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil and flag of a band called 5 Seconds Of Summer. It's only a band logo. Who is this band? I let it go and walked to my room. I don't know what to do. The most beautiful girl lives with me now, I got a awesome birthday gift. I decided to start on my homework. A knock was heard at my door. "Come in" I said. I didn't look up from my computer. "Hey" I heard a soft voice say. I stopped typing and just stood still. "Happy birthday" she said. I looked over at her. "T-Thanks" I stuttered. She smiled and went away. Why did I stuttered? Is it that hard to talk to a girl. "Guys, food is ready" My dad screamed upstrairs. I saved my work on my computer and went downstairs. Jessica, my dad and uncle Luke were already eating. I smiled and went to sit next to my dad. "so how was your first day of school?" uncle Luke asked Jessica. I looked at her. "I met this guy but nothing else" She said. "guy?" My dad asked. I think my dad, uncle Michael and uncle Calum are protective over her. "yeah, his name is Tom or Tim or something" she said. My dad looked at me. I looked down. He know that I don't really like Tom. We fought alot and thanks to that my dad needed to come to school alot. "Your dad said you are in a band Blake" uncle Luke said. "really, what name?" Jessica said. "Our band is horrible black sound and it's fun" "fun? Just fun?" uncle Luke said. "Well we still look for a singer but after that we have fun." I saw uncle Luke looking at Jessica. I looked at her, but she looked at her food. She can sing? "That's great" uncle Luke said. Maybe she can be our singer. I need to text the guys.

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